NextJS14 authentication application using NextAuth version 5 (the lastest version)

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Key Features:

-  Credentials Provider

-  OAuth Provider (Social login with Google & GitHub)

-  Forgot password functionality

-  Email verification

-  Two factor verification (2FA)

-  User roles (Admin & User)

-  Login component (Opens in redirect or modal)

-  Register component

-  Forgot password component

-  Verification component

-  Error component

-  Login button

-  Logout button

-  Role Gate

-  Extending & Exploring next-auth session

-  Exploring next-auth callbacks

-  useCurrentUser hook

-  useRole hook

-  currentUser utility

-  currentRole utility

-  Example with server component

-  Example with client component

-  Render content for admins using RoleGate component

-  Protect API Routes for admins only

-  Protect Server Actions for admins only

-  Change email with new verification in Settings page

-  Change password with old password confirmation in Settings page

-  Enable/disable two-factor auth in Settings page

-  Change user role in Settings page (for development purposes only)
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