Porsha crystal being the best character in sing 2 for just over 5 minutes

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Heyyyyy heres the long awaited porsha video! if you saw the other one discard it from your memory, it is not important and you should forget all about it. 👍 enjoy!!!
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I love how she is a bit spoiled, a empty headed, can't really act, but her heart's in the right place, she can REALLY sing ( When i first heard her sing my jaw dropped!), and she is just plain adorable!


honestly with how her father acted when she went crying to him REALLY puts into perspective why she would think everyone hates her. In her family its either your a nobody or a somebody and i REALLY hope if there is a third movie we will see more character development.


Sending Miss Crawley to get Porsha was the best move. She didnt need promises and begging, she needed tough love and to be told she was needed. Only way to stand out to these "rich kids", treat them respectfully but firmly


Notice how when Crystal is scolding Porsha, Suki has a concerned look on her face. She clearly feels bad for her :(


I love that slightly bitter laugh when she said “Safe? Heh. No, no, no, *none* of us are safe.”


the way she look so sad when dad ignores her in one of the scenes after she said "Daddy I love you" was so heartbreaking :(


i love how they don’t make her annoying, but keep her character as the bratty rich girl. she’s so likable to me even tho i normally hate the annoying brat characters. they make her so sweet and misunderstood, it’s not her fault she was raised with everything handed to her on a silver platter


0:41 Okay, who else thinks it's cute that Porsha's Tail fluffs up when she was yelling "Daddy!" as she's bending over the railing? That's an Adorable attention to detail the animators did, of how her tail fluffs up anytime when she's upset.


I noticed when Rosita wore the alien costume, the pants part matched the rest of it: pale green with some spots. But when Porsha wore it, she has slightly darker green tights on her legs. The implication is she had to cut the too-short leg sections off and improvise with green tights underneath in order to wear Rosita's small alien costume.


I’m gonna go into a little bit of a rant because I’m obsessed with her character development

Porscha grew up a daddy’s girl (obvs). Everything was handed to her on a silver platter, given that her father allowed it. The thing with that though is that she never had her own things. She never had her own friends. She never got to make her own decisions. She was super suffocated her entire life, and she had to be the picture perfect daughter for the public, too. Plus, we get a glimpse at the obvious abuse that went on behind the scenes, too.

Then she gets this role. At first, it’s just like everything else, her dad made it happen. She knows that she didn’t earn it. She knows EXACTLY why she has the role, but at this point she doesn’t care, she’s learned how to use her father’s power to her own advantage. Then she gets pushed a round a bit by Ms.Crowley. That’s her first taste of equal treatment. It hurts a bit, but at the same time, it’s actually kind of nice to not be pampered by everyone just because they’re afraid of her dad. That’s why she didn’t tell on Ms.Crowley I think.

All of the sudden, she’s fired. This is the part of “equal treatment” that she doesn’t like as much. It hurts. She didn’t get what she wanted for the first time in a while. So she goes home and cries to her dad about it, trying to get the role back, because she honestly really enjoyed being in that environment with those people. But her dad is the same as always, and she’s reminded that he doesn’t actually care about HER, just his own public image.

So she cries for a bit in her room, about the lost opportunity of a friend people she wishes she had, and about her dad obviously doing a number on her mental state.

Then the craziest thing happens. Ms.Crowley, the lady that was actually HARD on her, came back. She actually sought her out because they WANTED her in the show. Porscha felt wanted for the first time in probably forever. Not for her dad, not for her money, but for her, and what she could give to them.

She learns to break away from her dad and embrace who SHE wants to be. And I love her sm


Honestly, Porsha is written SO well! Her overreacting when it comes to being “abandoned” makes sense because even though you see a small portion of her relationship with Crystal, you can see how her childhood trauma makes her react to certain situations. As someone who’s went through something similar, it’s cool to see a character written in depth. :)


Never thought I’d appreciate Halsey managing to voice an anthropomorphic wolf in an animated musical, but here we are!🤩


1:30 - “Wait, where’s the koala?”

I actually kind of love the fact that Porsha’s been part of the show for several days by this point, but she apparently doesn’t know and hasn’t even bothered to find out what Moon’s name is yet. She literally just calls him by his species because to her that’s the most noteworthy thing about him (even though he’s the frigging director).


I honestly think all Porsha needed was a little love from someone, from what we saw it seemed like her dad didn’t really care for her.


I want Porsha to be the secondary protagonist in the next movie alongside Buster. I feel she has potential in her character, along with Nooshy.


i love her so much she was clearly in an abusive relationship with her father, she deserves so much more


the fact that the song she sang had the line "it could of been me" fits SO perfectly bc she could have been the lead role


Porsha is hands down my favourite honestly. Look at how they uplifted my girl!

I love how they gave her an actual arc instead of her staying the rich kid character, it warmed my heart <3


Porsha along with Johnny and Nooshy was easily among my favorite characters in this movie. I like that she's not going out of her way to be mean, she's just innocently insensitive, naive and spoiled. I like characters that can be spoiled but they don't turn out particular mean or nasty for it, like Lottie from Princess and the Frog. And reaching out to her for the actual show after the chase scene and attempted koala murder was a great move on their part, and also good on Porsha for owning up to her outburst earlier, even realizing she overreacted, that's an astonishing bit of character development.

And of course, LOVE her song, easily up there with Johnny's Sky Full of Stars and Nothing Holding Me Back. Helps that the Japanese dub does her really well too c:


I never would have thought in a million years that Halsey would be perfect for this role, but she is. Her voice matches the character so well
