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"How old can I get and still act young?" Neal Unger, 60 year old proves that you can never be too old to have fun on a skateboard. This is so damn inspiring. Skateboarding truly is a gift.
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I'm now 56 and a few years back I wanted to learn skate. people near discouraged me bcz I was to old. I saw this video and inspired me to start.I'll do it.


My God man. I don't know what happen to me I just broke down man, tears everywhere. I gave up  on skateboarding because I got married and had kids. to me skateboarding was my life the only thing that made me whole. watching this video just brought back all those feeling/memories that I repressed all those years. this video made me remember what I didn't lose because I can still get on my board and get that missing piece of my life back. Thanks Neal Unger.


I started to skate in 1987 and I still do at the age of 40. I hope to be skating at 60. Skateboarding até o osso! \0/


It's funny to me that other adults look at me with disgust when they see my 36 year old ass on a skateboard. Yet they spend their winter break on the ski slopes in France. So, I'm too old to skateboard but you can go skiiing? Got it, thanks! Glad there are people like this to remind the rest of us what we are allowed to have fun doing! D-Bags

This video lets me know I have a solid 20 years of boarding ahead of me! Awesome!


There is no way I'm quitting anything, after seeing a 60 year old man on a skateboard!

I’m 57. Never stepped on a skateboard until I was 50. At about 53 I discovered downhill and freeride. There’s not a night goes by that I don’t lie in bed dreaming of toe slides, squatters, finding the line on beautiful pavement and flying down a hill against all reason. Against all good advice. I’ve gone down sick hills with some of the best skaters around and I can’t tell you how much I love it and the community of people in it. I watch Neal and I see his joy and feel his freedom. I get it Neal and I hope other people our age find something similar until ‘old’ becomes so ‘yesterday’.


This guy personifies what skateboarding truly is, not the most technical tricks in the book, not the boydream about sponsors and fame. Its about the feeling you get when simply cruising around on youre skateboard. The tricks you manage to learn is just a bonus, for me anyway. I started skateboard when I was about 9 years old, for a very long time like every other boy in that age I had the dream about becoming a professional skateboarder. Some people held on to skateboarding even thru the early teenage years but most of them quit. Knowing that they`ll never reach there dream. Eventually I was one of them, quting. But recent years I got back to skateboarding and Its more fun then ever. To be able to enjoy it to the fullest without any pressure. Im 26years old now and even If there are times when im not skateboarding its allways going to be there for me. A chance to clear youre mind, and I think that becomes more imoportant the older you get.


I am 41 and just started skating agin after 20 years. He's right on about the mind shutting off and experiencing a sense of calm to a certain degree. That's part of the reason I am drawn back to it. There is a freedom that exists on a board. 


You spoke to me. I'm getting into skating at 47 and tired of the naysayers trying to pull me down. You're an inspiration to not just people like me, but to the world! Thank you and God bless!


I have similar story, I am 40 but I fell I am still 18, each time I try to talk to young girls they think I am a perv but the reality is I am just 18.


"How healthy can I get, how young can I get"
He's reversing his mindset. Going against nature's laws. Awesome, I can so relate to this man. It's all about DOING WHAT YOU LOVE TO DO... DO IT, AND LIVE IT!!!


What he says about quietness of the mind reflects throughout so many teachings, zen buddhism being one of them. It is said that people managed to achieve results beyond belief just by silencing their minds. Your thoughts are not equal to yourself.


I'm 40 and skate everyday! That being said, I get a lot of shit because of my age. I can't imagine not skating and hope one day, the kids that are giving me shit for my age, stick with it like I did. Skateboard is a lifestyle, not a hobby. This video is inspiring, reassures me that I'll never stop!


I'm turning 13 and this guy is one of my heros


I'm 22 years old and I'm a bit on the large side. I was always scared of learning to skateboard because of fear of hurting myself. Keep in mind I played Varsity football and did boxing all thought out high school as a heavyweight. Big guys like me don't skateboard haha. But when I was told by my baby sister that she wants to learn how to skateboard and wants to learn with me. There is no chance I'm gonna say no to her haha. This video inspires me to get better at skating and to have a passionate hobby I can do with my sister. It's never to late to skate or to do anything if you truly want to do something. This man and others in the comment section prove that you don't have to be super young or really skinny to do something that you want to do. All we need is the desire to do it and the passion to continue doing it. If anyone is reading this that is just pursuing skateboarding or thinking about doing it I just want to say BEST OF LUCK TO 😊


Most people stop once they reach a certain age because they're not confident enough to be themselves. You don't have to fit in to that whole skater stereotype to skateboard. anyone should do it because it is FUN to ride on a board with wheels. People are such slaves to public perception, this is admirable of this man not because he's great on a skateboard but because he realizes that skateboarding gives him pleasure and he doesn't care what people think of him, thats why this is so rare to see. People will ride a hoverboard but not a skateboard. Also shout out to those people that ride scooters even from work. That is next level no fucks given.


My favorite trick of he's is the "sissy bounce". Coolest shit ive seen! Keep skating dude.


Such an inspiration! Been skating myself since I was 12, now 22 but rarely skates no more.. this made me pick up my board and just cruise around for the feeling it gives you. Ride on Neal!


Being 24 years old and quitting skateboarding at 14 (even though I still loved it, I had my reasons), I recently started back up as a way of just keeping in shape. I've realized what I've missed and love it all over again. I'm much more of a vert skater than a street skater, and was back when I started, so when I'm riding a half-pipe or skating around a bowl I feel free. Like getting older doesn't mean slowing down. Even though I am still in my 20s I get a lot of 'you're too old to skate' from friends and family. People think that I'm simply trying to not 'grow up' and act like a teenager. I have a decent job, I make a decent living, I have my bills that I take care of, but this just so happens to be my hobby again. I encourage anyone who skated at any point in their lives to just try again. You're going to be terrible if it's been a long time, but just try. Remember back when you were younger and learning how to do basic tricks and getting frustrated? That is still there as well as the gratification of landing that trick. This man is a great reminder that skateboarding isn't a juvenile thing, it's a sport and a fun hobby. I wouldn't mind having a beer or two with this guy.


this guy is an inspiration. I'm 41 and just took up skating. I've been into bmx and mountain biking my whole life but I've always had the utmost respect and admiration for skateboarding. I'm just gonna do my thing and keep having fun for as long as my body will let me!!
