Apr. 29th, 2015 - LIVE - Why is eating processed food bad for your health?

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00:35 - Start!

2:05 - Is there an ethical way to harness the placebo effect? What are your thoughts on placebo surgeries or sugar pills that actually increase the patients sense of well being?

6:27 - How are you able to keep up with all the new research on such a wide range of topics? And how do you make any judgements on areas of conflicting research?

8:36 - What are your thoughts on accutane (isotretinoin) and its continued use on people as an acne medication?

10:09 - Do we know anything about brain freezes? What causes them, how to prevent them, and how to stop them once they've happened?

11:19 - Can you talk about ozone therapy and Aloe Vera products (such as forever living products)! Both are promoted as miracle treatments! Any research? Any results? Your opinion?

15:00 Can you talk about what adults who had their vaccinations as kids should do in areas where there are measles outbreaks?

15:55 - How can a hypochondriac, like myself, do from having anxiety attacks and annoying his/her doctor? How can we separate real pain from psychosomatic pain?

17:20 - My wife and daughter have celiac disease, and we're planning another child. Should we introduce our new child to gluten early?

18:16 - What is your stance on moderate alcohol consumption by pregnant and breast feeding mothers? Is there any available research?

21:06 - How do you Feel about the CHIP program? It seems to me like it insures a lot of kids for a very low price. Can we expand it?

22:58 - Codeine is available over the counter in most other countries. Why is that not the case in the US?

24:19 - How do you feel the field of mental illness (specifically depression, anxiety disorders and so on) has changed since you became a pediatrician?

25:03 - Does long-term use of prescription amphetamines affect cardiac or mental health in later life?

29:03 What does the research show for long-term risks associated with secondhand smoke exposure? For someone who was heavily exposed during childhood, is there any way to mitigate those risks as an adult?

30:19 - Regarding Diet soda, is there any danger to drinking it in larger amounts (NOT the aspartame)?

31:18 How healthy is Honey in reality? Is it actually as good for you as it is made out to be?

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I feel like 80% of these answers are "Watch the Healthcare Triage video we did on that" and the other 20% are "Ask your Doctor!"


Just want to say this Live sessions are really great and informative. Keep up the good work!


"Brain Freezes" are caused be referred pain, not by "cooling the blood" going to your head, as is commonly thought. Cold substances cool nerve receptors in the back of the throat and soft palate. This triggers a painful response via nerves to the fore head. Warming the palate and throat shuts those cold-receptor nerves off -ending the pain. This is part of Janet Travel, MD (John F Kennedy's physician) and her work on mapping neural pathways.
This is the same reason that your arm hurts when you are have a problem with your heart, or pushing on a knot in your back causes a sharp pain in your head.


The comment explanation at the beginning reminded me of the "Pre-taped Call in Show" from Mr. Show. Good stuff.


you should really release the live HT as a podcast.  I love your face and all, but I feel this is especially conducive to being pure audio.


it would be really great, if in future episodes (say at the end of the episode), you clarified things that you weren't sure about in the preceding episode, having done a bit of research


Is there evidence that using earbuds can cause greater hearing damage than traditional over-the-ear headphones?


I've been told pressing your tongue to the roof of your mouth causes brain freeze to pass faster. Seems to work for me, though it could be placebo.


Are there any documented physical benefits / improved recovery times for after exercise therapies such as ice bath, deep tissue massage, electrical muscle stimulation, etc? They tend to "feel" good for the person getting the therapy but are there any actual benefits.


I'm an RN and my hospital is getting rid of all full calorie drinks and will only stock diet drinks. Does the research support such a policy?


w.r.t. measles in adults, I know there was a mumps outbreak in the NHL this year, and they were giving MMR boosters to players


You can get codeine with other products as a cough syrup from some pharmacies in some states. It's a schedule V drug, so their are limits, and it'll very from state to state, but it can happen. And you meant pseudoephedrine, I think.


Are calories created equal? Some (raw till 4 diet) claim that you can eat more than 2500 calories from fruits and still lose weight. Without a lot of exercise, it seem impossible to me.


F.p.i.e.s food protein-induced endrocronitis, why are doctors so quick to dismiss this as a diagnoses?


What does the research say about different medications for treating infertility? How effective are the treatments compared to IVF?


What's the connection between fluoride and thyroid function for someone who is hypothyroid. After exposure to fluoride such as a dentist visit with fluoride topically applied and left in place for hours could that affect free T4 levels about 2 days later? What target range do you use for TSH and why and what symptoms indicate that free T4 levels are too low (napping daily?)?


Wow. He starts by saying dont leave questions in this videos comment feed, and all but 3 comments left are questions.


Are there any serious detrimental consequences of taking high-potency (200mg) caffeine pills?


Yeah, I know brain freezes are caused by cold things. I meant more if we know if it's what the actual biological process is - blood vessels freaking out or whatever. And by stopping them once they've happened, I meant that there's all these suggestions like hold your breath, put your tongue on the roof of your mouth, etc, and I was wondering if we know if any of these actually reduce the length of the brain freeze. Clearly I did not phrase my question well.


wasn't accutane also associated with causing birth defects? or am I confusing it with another topical?
