Quantum Simulations and Machine Learning with Quantum Technologies [QCT21/22, Seminar #11]

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By Lucas Lamata (Universidad de Sevilla).
Abstract: I will introduce the timely fields of quantum simulations and quantum machine learning with quantum technologies. In each of them, I will first give short introductions to the topics, including overviews of the results by the community, and then I will review my own results in collaboration with diverse theory and experimental groups in quantum technologies worldwide.
Biography: Prof. Lucas Lamata is Associate Professor (Profesor Titular de Universidad) at Dpto. Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. He did his PhD in Madrid, at CSIC, and then a postdoc at the Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, as a Humboldt Fellow and Max-Planck Postdoc. Later on, he was a Marie Curie Fellow and Ramon y Cajal Fellow at University of the Basque Country, before moving to his current position in Sevilla. He has about 120 papers in refereed international journals including Nature, Nature Communications, and PRL, among others. He has been PI/Co-PI in several European, USA, National and Regional grants, both in Bilbao and Sevilla.
Abstract: I will introduce the timely fields of quantum simulations and quantum machine learning with quantum technologies. In each of them, I will first give short introductions to the topics, including overviews of the results by the community, and then I will review my own results in collaboration with diverse theory and experimental groups in quantum technologies worldwide.
Biography: Prof. Lucas Lamata is Associate Professor (Profesor Titular de Universidad) at Dpto. Física Atómica, Molecular y Nuclear, Universidad de Sevilla, Spain. He did his PhD in Madrid, at CSIC, and then a postdoc at the Max-Planck Institute of Quantum Optics, as a Humboldt Fellow and Max-Planck Postdoc. Later on, he was a Marie Curie Fellow and Ramon y Cajal Fellow at University of the Basque Country, before moving to his current position in Sevilla. He has about 120 papers in refereed international journals including Nature, Nature Communications, and PRL, among others. He has been PI/Co-PI in several European, USA, National and Regional grants, both in Bilbao and Sevilla.