The Aesthetics of Play | Why We Play Games, and the Search for Truth and Beauty In Game Design
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In this Video, we examine The Aesthetics of Play, that is, the question of Why we Play Games.Play is an impulse that exists across every culture, and expresses itself in different forms, but we don't have a consensus as to why. In this video, we survey the many different conceptions of the aesthetic of play, from the mechanics dynamics aesthetics framework, to Jesper Juuls art of failure, and on to Frank Lantzs ideas about Metacognition, to see if we can identify a unifying purpose.
To build an understanding of this idea, this video surveys the history of games, play, art and aesthetics to illustrate how culturally contingent the very question of the aesthetic of play is. However, this does not mean there aren't unifying themes across space and time, that speak to a higher purpose for play, perhaps one that interrogates the very ideas of truth and beauty.
-Homo Ludens, Johan Huizinga
-Eric Zimmerman, Let Games be Games
-Mechanics Dynamics Aesthetics
-Erin Hoffman, Precision of Emotion
-Scott Rigby, The Freedom Fallacy
-Jason Vandenberge, Engines of Play
- Nick Yee the 12 motivations for Play
-The Aesthetic of play , Brian Upton
-Brenda Romero, Train
-Persuasive Games , Ian Bogost
-Against Procedurality , Miguel Sicart
-The Ambiguity of Play, Brian Sutton Smith
-The Art of Video Games, Grant Tavinor
-Free to learn, Peter Grey
-Trickster makes the world , Lewis Hyde
-Thomas Henricks , Play as Self Realization
-The Grasshopper , Bernard Suits
-David Hume, Of the standard of taste
-Immanuel Kant , The Critique of Judgement
-Hegel - Lectures on fine art
-The secret art history of games -John Sharpe
-Works of games John Sharpe
-The Art of Failure Jesper Juul
-Pragmatist aesthetics in Games
-Hearts and Minds Gdc Frank Lantz
-This is your brain on games gdc
-Go Poker and the Sublime Gdc
-Dynamics Clint Hocking
- Truth in game design Jonathan Blow
-Design Reboot Jonathan blow
-What art is, Arthur Danto
To build an understanding of this idea, this video surveys the history of games, play, art and aesthetics to illustrate how culturally contingent the very question of the aesthetic of play is. However, this does not mean there aren't unifying themes across space and time, that speak to a higher purpose for play, perhaps one that interrogates the very ideas of truth and beauty.
-Homo Ludens, Johan Huizinga
-Eric Zimmerman, Let Games be Games
-Mechanics Dynamics Aesthetics
-Erin Hoffman, Precision of Emotion
-Scott Rigby, The Freedom Fallacy
-Jason Vandenberge, Engines of Play
- Nick Yee the 12 motivations for Play
-The Aesthetic of play , Brian Upton
-Brenda Romero, Train
-Persuasive Games , Ian Bogost
-Against Procedurality , Miguel Sicart
-The Ambiguity of Play, Brian Sutton Smith
-The Art of Video Games, Grant Tavinor
-Free to learn, Peter Grey
-Trickster makes the world , Lewis Hyde
-Thomas Henricks , Play as Self Realization
-The Grasshopper , Bernard Suits
-David Hume, Of the standard of taste
-Immanuel Kant , The Critique of Judgement
-Hegel - Lectures on fine art
-The secret art history of games -John Sharpe
-Works of games John Sharpe
-The Art of Failure Jesper Juul
-Pragmatist aesthetics in Games
-Hearts and Minds Gdc Frank Lantz
-This is your brain on games gdc
-Go Poker and the Sublime Gdc
-Dynamics Clint Hocking
- Truth in game design Jonathan Blow
-Design Reboot Jonathan blow
-What art is, Arthur Danto