How the Marley Reveal CHANGED EVERYTHING - Overanalyzing Attack on Titan

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Today at the Mystery Shack, we continue our retrospective analysis of Attack on Titan and episodes 57 – That Day. Join me in overanalyzing every single detail of the show and generally nerd out about anything and everything!

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@amburdo6206 - Maris Walking
LEMMiNO – Siberian
CC BY-SA 4.0
We Shop Song
Creative Commons ► Attribution 3.0 Unported ► CC BY 3.0
Composed by
The 25th Hour – Schlatt Crossing
Creative Commons ► Attribution 3.0 Unported ► CC BY 3.0
Composed by
LEMMiNO – Firecracker
CC BY-SA 4.0
LEMMiNO – Encounters
CC BY-SA 4.0
@amburdo6206 - Colette Wave Cooking
LEMMiNO - Blackout
CC BY-SA 4.0
Also Sprach Zarathustra - Strauss
Creative Commons ► Attribution 3.0 Unported ► CC BY 3.0
Composed by
LEMMiNO - Cipher
CC BY-SA 4.0
LEMMiNO – Nocturnal
CC BY-SA 4.0
LEMMiNO – Biosignature
CC BY-SA 4.0
00:00 - Episode 57 Title: That Day
01:47 - Opening Sequence
03:11 - Rats
08:35 - Dogs
11:44 - Ymir Fritz….. and SO MUCH LORE
18:44 - “Me or the world around me?”
21:23 - Eldia Restorationists
24:11 - Enter - Dina Fritz
26:17 - Paradis Invasion
28:13 - Zeke Yeager-Fritz
29:58 - Midcard - Humanity Outside the Walls
31:02 - “Is this…. Paradise?”
32:57 - A Very Long Dream
35:27 - Gross’ Dance
39:15 - The Attack Titan
41:53 - Closing Thoughts
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📌MINOR CORRECTION - Today I learned in English there's a difference between step-brothers and half-brothers haha. I said Zeke and Eren are step-brothers, but they're actually half-brothers. In Latvian it's the same thing, so that's just a language error on my part. 😅


he's called the owl because they are silent hunters. their feathers produce no noise while flapping. hunter, jaeger, feathers, wings of freedom, continuous bird theme throughout the show, and the silence reflecting how kruger was a spy


Erwin’s balls are only match by that of Eren Kruger “shows up name drops the show foreshadows everything then dies” Legend


We've got some S tier level yapping here Bois I'm so ready


Dina revealed as the Smiling Titan is so fricking twisted. My personal favourite plot-twist in the entire series, had me with my jaw literally dropped.


I remember showing this episode to my german girlfriend for the first time, it was funny

Her: "Sam... Why are they wearing armbands?"
me: oh uh... no reason


20 minute episode, 40 minute anyalysis .that's what i like about this show


41:31 did you ever notice that’s actually Eren on the wall talking to Grisha and not Kruger? Never realized that on my watch through. Crazy


The titles of Episode 2 and 57 are actually different. While in English there is only "that", Japanese (like many other languages) uses more words in its place. Episode 2 is titled Sono Hi and 57 is titled Ano Hi. While quite similar, Ano Hi refers to a day that's further in the past than Sono Hi.


More fun facts, when Eren wakes up screaming, he speaks using "watashi" (Grisha's way of saying I) instead of his usual "ore". That's the thing Mikasa and Armin comment on. He's talking like Grisha, but because the others only hear "watashi" (which can also be feminine) they are very confused


I’m a simple man. I see Koroto’s AoT series, I click.


Somehow while watching this commentary, the parallel between Eldia and the island nation of Japan during WW2 becomes very clear. There is widespread hatred outside of their persecuted nation because of the atrocities they committed in Korea and Manchuria. There is a nuclear bomb (represented by Bertholt) that decimates their population twice. From the Japanese perspective, they are the victim - they do not understand the pain they have inflicted because they are a chosen race with a higher power (Japanese Emporer) on their side. But it is a cycle of violence that does not end. America will come and destroy them. And Attack on Titan is like this power alternate history fantasy where Japan gets an even bigger nuclear bomb, capable of destorying everyone outside their island... There is also an interesting historical parallel with the Japanese internment camps in America (who see themselves as Americans, not Japanese) who are oppressed because Americans fear them as agents of the enemy.


What I rarely see mentioned is how Gross' ideals and thought process is in a way refuted. He dies screaming in fear. He faced the cruelty of the world and will be ready when his time comes he says. But he isn't he dies like a dog. We see that no mater how right he seems to be and in a way is, he arrived at the wrong conclusion: to continue this cycle of cruelty instead of breaking away from it.


Another interesting detail I noticed is, that in 16:10 only the titans which Marley owned were portrayed. That shows that they have a closer connection to these titans than the other. They may not even want the marlian and eldian public to know that the founding and attack titans exist.


Ymir dates back 1820 years, but the year is 817/832/850/whatever. what could Year 0 signify?




The latvian scene in 30:29, in the middle of a serious explanation was so unexpected 😂


The parabole between Serbian and Croatian for the same language spoken but written differently is spot on. Can't really give an example because our language is unique in a sense that every letter has a single voice so you read it exactly as it is written. I guess I could go with this:
Most Croats won't understand the Cyrillic letter but every Serb will understand both letters.


One thing I never really got was that Marley turned Ymir into a titan after she said the kings blood flowed through her but kruger stopped Marley from learning about dina’s and zeke’s royal blood so did they have a way to prove royal blood


35:55 I think we do see it once before and once later. The battle for shiganshina likely had some of zekes titans change to small 2-3 meter titans and a very specific amount to 15 meter titans.

Later during the fort Slava bombardment we don't seem to see small titans. All of them appear to be similar size. Whether this is written to be tactical (so they could reach up high enough) or just ease of animation, I think you could make a point for both
