Sept. '24 Pisces Full SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse Guided Meditation | Completing Karmic Cycles

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This Pisces Full SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse Guided Meditation for September 2024 focuses on completing karmic cycles and releasing limiting beliefs by entering the quantum field. With the heightened energy of the lunar eclipse, participants explore the origin of their karmic patterns, updating Soul Contracts for the highest good. Using 7 Hz Binaural Beats to reach a deep meditative state, the meditation guides listeners through breathwork, grounding, and reconnecting with their spirit. The process is designed to rewire the nervous system, offering emotional release and aligning participants with joy, freedom, and abundance.

As the meditation progresses, participants step into the quantum field, where they observe the start of their karmic cycle and release it by completing their Soul Contract. With the help of their higher self and sacred guides, they visualize a life free of karmic ties, weaving new intentions for infinite possibilities and blessings into their reality. The meditation culminates in a gentle return to the present, grounding participants in clarity, peace, and the limitless flow of abundance. This practice is perfect for harnessing the powerful energies of the September 2024 Pisces Full SuperMoon Lunar Eclipse to create lasting emotional and spiritual transformation.

I LOVE YOU! 🫶🏼 - Crystal

🎶🥁🎧 Companion Sound Journey from Lauren Aloisio @energynurse -
Full Moon Eclipse Gong Sound Meditation

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🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, Moon Rituals, Sacred Healing Circles & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.
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I LOVE YOU! 🫶- Crystal
🦋📿 As a Transformation Guide specializing in Psychic Development, Meditation, Moon Rituals, Sacred Healing Circles & Mentorship, I empower individuals to master their energy field & awaken to their Soul purpose. I offer practices & intuitive guidance to nurture your journey to liberation through Self-Transformation.


A very long time ago, I had made a karmic contract that has weighed my life with struggle but also has given me my greatest joy. My heart, body and mind have been exhausted by the struggle and I have asked for the blessing of release so that the power of the joy may consume my life as it should. This meditation reminded me that it is time and that I ask for this transformation in this lifetime. Thank you for this gentle but powerful meditation. I truly believe it is time, it is time, it is time. ❤❤❤


Beautiful meditation. I went back 400 years. Breaking this cycle is Amazing. Thank You


Thank you for this amazing guided meditation. It helped me release my limited stuck beliefs, old patterns and karmic past. I feel so much lighter and at peace. You are an angel for offering this guidance and help us all heal. I love your mediations ❤ love and light to you 💓💓


My life of freedom is now. So exciting. Beautiful meditation. Inspiring. 👏 Bravo


Crystal, I listened to this repeatedly the night of the full moon and the following morning. I kept drifting off to sleep, so at one point, I set it to loop. I wanted to consciously hear every word, as well as subconsciously. You see, I'm delving deeply into releasing my karmic debts. I'm over 60 years old. This year has been the most difficult of my life. I THOUGHT I'd been through the most difficult times already! Silly me! 😂 I'm exhausted, and I just want to live peacefully, simply, and have my basic needs met. That seems to be so hard right now for most people. I know I'm not alone in this shizzle! Thank you, once again, from the bottom of my heart for another amazing meditation! My love and blessings to you as always, sweet soul.


Thank you so much for this powerful meditation. I feel so empowered by it as I released the weight of a karmic cycle of bondage lack and fear from separation from Source. Now I am free to choose Oneness and unity consciousness, co-creating with my divine identity.


I didn't realize until this meditation that the healing work I've been doing was connected to a past life contract. So grateful to be released from that contract (unloved & abandoned). Very powerful and beautiful. Tears of joy... Blessings and ❤ for this gift.


Today marks 1year and 3 months of my sister's passing. I've been an emotional wreck all day. Listening to this meditation Today was definitely divinely orchestrated. I've released so much. Going back in time was painful, but breaking the contract has put a huge smile on my face. THANK YOU CRYSTAL ❤❤❤❤❤❤


Thank you very much for this beautiful meditation. I let it go off all karmic people from my life and I let my self FREE. Thank you for wonderful meditation you make my body and feeling better and better🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️😇😊🦋


Thank You. I saved this and Friday morning, 9/20/24, I took the time and space to enjoy this and I did get further connection to a past life contacted 50 years ago. Amazing! Thank You, this added to my understanding and I am hoping I am free to truly live more joyfully now in each Here and Now moment no matter the changes on the Earth plane.


I appreciate the hard work and loving energy you put into this meditation. I was listening to it while making my breakfast after my morning grounding routine and spelling with my spirit squad to release and work through whatever it was, I honestly don't care what it is and I don't need to know, I trust them and myself to get it done. But the most amazing part was when I had everything set up to sit down and eat, you got to the part where we were done, and I allowed myself to feel whatever came up. This is when I felt a sudden weight taken off me and heard my guides whisper, "It's over, " to where I just started wheeping and felt a sudden urge to go to my sacred alter and kneel down and prayed saying repeatedly "thank you" for helping me get to this place. I was wheeping for quite some time, but it felt so amazing to know that this was over, and I was so grateful to be at this point in my journey. This was absolutely the perfect meditation, and I am so grateful to have found you. Sending lots of love. ❤


Oh I feel like I’m going to have to revisit this meditation a few times before I’m able to fully release as whatever it is is deeply buried. I’ve done this meditation twice now and last night afterward I have had the most profound dreams / nightmares. I’ve never worked on soul contracts or previous lives before so this is very new to me. Thank you all the same crystal, ❤💚💜


The music is so soothing. I have felt the energy at this time. Thank you for this journey. As a Taurus I am so Grateful and open to receive. Be Blessed.❤❤


I was able to let go off the karmic stress of people telling me what to do with my souls purpose in a lot of life times. I went back to a planet where someone send me away with a mission. I could give it back now. I am free. Thank you Chrystal for making this possible. I feel blessed. ❤🤗✨


Oh Crystal, your work is so beautiful. I went to a place I had forgotten all about, and now find myself here right now - better than I could ever have believed possible. Thank you for awakening this. Jenny


Wow, what a powerful, wonderful meditation. I went to a past life with a karmic cycle that has been effecting me greatly as of late. A connection with a toxic person who has never done anything but belittle me and my power. I feel it everywhere now, that is is done! Finally over! After that I witnessed myself in a different life where I was with my soul group, dancing freely in a dark forest under a full moon. I felt there the present of a person I haven't met in this life yet; my rock, my love, my person. Then I saw flashes of the future of my current life where I am free and loved. It was so powerful! Exactly what I need in this dark, confusing period of life that I am in now. I feel more connected to my power and I trust that my blessings will come in exactly when they are meant to. Thank you so much! Sending you so much love 🩷🩷🩷


Çrystal i have been listening to your moon meditations for years. You are amazing. You have such a gift. So touched to have crossed paths on this journey. Literally dont know what i would do without your meditations. Sending you love and blessed energies!


This Full Moon Eclipse is being flowing just like water 💙 thank You, dear Crystal, for your amazing and unparalleled guidance 🙏 as mehro sings in “dying in a dream” “the things that we can’t let go are impossible to keep” 😍 once we accept the natural course of Life, we just flow with it effortlessly and easily 🌈 I’m sure this one is making infinite room for our Heart’s desires to materialize 🌕🌍☀️🙏❤️ as always, INFINITE LOVE AND GRATITUDE, may the Golden Light of the Moon cleanse away all that deluded, limited and weighted on you, so that after the Eclipse shift You are Whole with Spirit and only filled with Unconditional Love, main fuel for your dream life 🌿🤍 happy Full Moon Eclipse 🙏
Thank You Thank You Thank You ❤️


I loved this meditation so much, I’m going into nature tonight, under the full moon and surrounded by the lake and meditating with this again grounding myself into Mother Earth as I listen to this again. Thank you so much!
