220V AC to 12V DC Converter Power Supply Using Diodes, Capacitors, Resistors, & Transformers

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This electronics video tutorial explains how to build a 12V DC power supply using a 220V AC power source, conventional diodes, zener diodes, capacitors, resistors, and a transformer. The step down transformer brings the 220V AC voltage to 13V AC. The conventional germanium diodes form a full wave bridge rectifier converting AC to DC. The zener diode acts a voltage regulator and the capacitor reduces ripple voltage and converts the pulsating DC wave into a smooth DC output. The series current limiting resistor reduces the surge current that flows through the diode when the capacitor is charging.

What Is a Diode?

How To Solve Diode Circuit Problems:

Diode Logic Gates - OR, NOR, AND, & NAND:

Clipper Circuits:

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Full-Wave Rectifiers:

Full-Wave Bridge Rectifiers:

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Half Wave Voltage Doubler Circuit:

Full Wave Voltage Doubler Circuit:

Voltage Multiplier Circuit:

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Like 2FD Sound Services mentioned, when you are talking about volts AC, that usually represents a root mean square (rms) voltage. To convert to peak voltage, you'd multiply by sqrt(2) ≈ 1.414, so that 13 VAC would be about 18.4 V peak voltage across the secondary winding.

But in any case, thank you so much for making and sharing all of these videos, across every subject. You're the man!


Thank you. I'm a millwright apprentice. I'm always trying to brush up on electrical theory and formula.
My trade doesnt really require a high level of electrical, but why not learn it. You have a great way of making the viewer understand the problems presented


How does this guy know literally every type of engineering


I am somewhat mindblowned by your channel. Because at first I thought you were just teaching a normal science subject. But today I found out that you are also teaching "basic" electricity. Btw thank you for the vids😊😊😊


This video came after my prelim, but I will still use this video to review for my finals. It is great to refresh my studies sometimes. Thanks for the video


Thank you for showing flow with arrows like I’m a toddler. Actually helps. Also with the potentials clear up a lot of reasons why certain pieces are placed where.
I didn’t pay attention in high school refound my learning bug in college. Starting with zero concepts

I believe you did one of the math series I watched as well to refresh.


Nice. most explanation videos miss the 0.6 voltage drop and potential difference part.


Thanks for the lesson. I recently disassembled an electrical device which had components using 120vac, 12vdc, and 5vdc. I couldn’t figure why it had a 120vac to 14vac transformer. After your video I have a much better understanding. I am nowhere ready to put my limited electrical knowledge into practice but with all the devices in today’s world with chips and circuit boards if interesting gaining a little understanding.


very satisfied sir, 10 grade, thank u sir sa pagshare mo ng knowledge sana marami pang video sir, request, ikabit mo na yan power supply sir para makita ang gamit kahit maliit na circuit, sir ganoon pa rin ha ipakita mo ang flow ng current. So much appreciated ty ulit more power.


Found your video to be really helpful, informative and explained calmly and clearly ! Well Done. I wish i had your level of expertise and the ability to explain a topic as well as you have done here.


If you have a secondary of 13vac, normally we are talking about rms. So if we multiply it with 1, 41 (root mean square maw) your peak to peak voltage wil be above 18 volts.


Thanks a lot, I have learned to figure out, what I was nervous for ages with in 30 minutes ✍


Best explanation about the power supply. Very clear and concise. Thanks


Thank you so much this channel has help me so much
I’m a beginner in electronics and I’m already liking my future 🥰


The most fabulous explanation I ever came across....
Its just something which will really make you love with electronics 😊😊😊


Great video...A short on the output side will usually blow the primary side of the transformer. A fuse on the output side will prevent that most of the time. You can easily verify which side of the transformer is blown with a meter to prove it.


Very Good. Alternatively, I believe, you could replace the zener with a Voltage regulator IC(7812) and eliminate the resistor to give the same result result. but great explanation and calculations.


isnt the 13 volts at the input to the bridge rectifier an rms voltage and when we place a capacitor to take care of surge current doesn't the capacitor alo eliminate the riple and so shouldn't the voltage be 13 * 2^0.5


Love all your videos, Might I suggest in the near future you go over BJT/FET and MOSFETs? I could definitely use the help! your the man! getting a big donation from me when I graduate in the Spring.


Explanation was very good and easy to comprehend.
