Fission Magic Concept - Unity VFX

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Unity VFX. I though the idea of "fission magic" sounded cool so I created this to try to bring the idea to life, not sure if this effect itself works that well but I believe the idea itself is solid.
Made in around 8 hours.
Everything but the magic circle created by me.

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I love the idea of someone casting a spell that just shoots lethal doses of radiation at someone


wish there was a game filled with a ton of magic spells you could find or unlock from trainers or bosses around the map, that'd be sick

Edit: I'm kinda glad that I didn't specifically mention roblox because yall gave me a lot of non-roblox game suggestions that I definitely would try out in the near future. Thanks!


I really like the concept.
I feel since it is fission, it lacks the gravity of the situation, so to speak. Maybe as it fission further, everything shake, and then it's like a nuclear bomb, the flash, the heat blast, the shock wave...


I always wanted fantasy to take magic in this direction. They would call it curses and poison and evil magic, but we understand it as radiation and fission. They could use their magical abilities, or create some artifact or summoning ritual and the end result is a supercritical mass. Fantasy magic producing a sci-fiction or real world effect has always been really cool.


I really like this multi-layered casting style, the initial magic circle is just used to summon the square and the particle, while I think the 2 outer spheres serve as barriers to prevent misfires.

I do wish that the particles would bounce around everywhere and break a couple barriers though.

Very cool!


Very cool. It would be cool to have one where you have a core inside of a reflector. You have a particle go into the core and two or three exit, they reflect and go back into the core, now four or nine come back out and get reflected. Similar to how a real fission bomb works


all this needs is the same amount of work gone into sound design and you have the most beautiful thing in the world


Very cool. I really like the double particles and compression idea. The beams of light coming out as it's compressing are also a nice touch. If there's anything I'd change, maybe make the box compress more aggressively so it really digs into the compression and rebound. Perhaps start off slow and speed up, then have it blow just as it looks like its approaching a point particle.


"I cast Ice Bolt"
"I cast Flames Asunder"
"I cast the Sun."


I mean creating a temporary fission chamber out of obscenely strong forcefields crushing a volatile material together sounds like it would be an incredible way to make a magic bomb, with the yield limited by how strong a forcefield you can make to squeeze the atoms together and how quickly you can make the forcefield walls move. Definitely seems like it would be on the order of "wahaaay faster than the human mind can comprehend" and therefore you'd need some kind of mechanical process to specify when and how fast the walls should contract and how much mana they should use to maintain their integrity (like a ritual circle as shown here), fully assuming that the spell will collapse on itself when a sufficient amount of fission is reached to exceed the amount of power poured into maintaining the contaiment.

It might also have the weakness that it needs a very high minimum amount of mana poured into it to resist the nuclear explosion long enough/compress the material hard enough to not just scatter the fissile material everywhere before it properly gets going.

Or maybe a Fission spell is just a spell that casts itself, over and over again in a self-feeding feedback loop. Kind of like fire. Presumably it would need some kind of generally available fuel much like fire, but this could be magic in the air, in a nearby leyline, the mana of its victims, the lifeforce of its victims, or even their souls (Mother of Learning had an archmage pyromancer cast a fire-tornado that grew more powerful as it consumed undead souls to feed itself).


really cool looking i love how it all gets compacted


Now instead of a cube, make it a human being.

I am Atomic.


I really wish there could be a game where its magic is like real life magic, like pulling something out of a hat that couldn’t possibly be inside. You see it happen but it seriously doesn’t make sense.


when it succeeds you have to roll every turn for containment. It now restores mana as it has become its own energy source


magic system based around real-time simulations of scienctific processes would go hard. Could you imagine "I cast PROTON DECAY" and they just vanish into a cloud of radiation


A game like star glitcher but with ways to obtain the powers and different power levels is NEEDED


I wish there was a game with magical components that you put together to make certain time spells such as fire, sphere, throw to make it like a fireball


Since fission usually is done at high pressures I feel it needs to show that pressure buildup more emphatically.


This is what i imagine Supreme Magus' magical item enchantment to be.


Utsuho be taking hella notes right now
