Gpedit.msc- How to get Group Policy feature in window10 Home Single Language edition-(64bit)

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The main reason behind the Gpedit missing windows feature is the Version of your windows OS. You can get this feature in Windows Pro, ultimate versions only not in Home premium versions .After installation this feature in your Home basic version window you will be able to use basic Group Policies but unfortunately some feature will be missing. So the best way to use all windows feature is to switch to higher version of windows like Pro.


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windows 10 Home Single Language
How to use group policy feature in windows home edition
Group policy feature is missing
win10, win8.1, win7 home edition

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Thankyou so much. it works, you have shown very clearly, in last step you need to copy those 2 folders and the Gpedit file and past it into system 32 folder.. thanks again


thanks.. it works, but the link on description is dead, so I just type link from your video
