Your Video clips are simple but very useful for me.
Works for Ionic v3.
*Don't forget* to include
in you .ts-file
I need to display that get data in the next page. how to write in html
Your videos are helpful. Thanks.
Do you know how pass image from a page to another by local storage?
I have two pages. I take a photo in first page and the image display normally in that page.
So i use set local storage to pass image to second page, but in the second page the image doesn't display correctly.
Looks like the problem is with "data:image:base64" in the second page.
Do you know how i resolve this?
Thank you.
great tutorials. I have watched your tuts for IONIC and WordPress. can you make one tutorial where you teach us how to store posts from WP-API into local storage? that will be amazing. Many Thanks
Hello, i do the same steps, but i keep receiving the message:
vendor.js:78108 Uncaught Error: Can't resolve all parameters for HomePage: ([object Object], ?).
Any tips to resolve that?
thanks nice tutorials.It would be more nice if you have shared the code in github
At the end of the video how did you manage to run the app in the emulator and still get debug codes on the browser?!
Dude is it hard for you to post a video with instruction step by step?