Best Card Trick To Do Anytime Anywhere! The Ambitious Card Routine Tutorial

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Hey everyone! This is an updated tutorial for one of my favorite tricks! You may or may not have seen my old tutorial for this trick, but it was not as good as it could have been. Since then I have learned a lot more on how to make this trick look and feel good, so hopefully you enjoy! Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe!
Tags: #magic #cardtricks #ambitiouscardroutine
1. Find a performance of a trick on YouTube that you would like to see on my channel, or even film yourself performing the trick and upload it to YouTube.
2. Copy that YouTube link and go to the community page on my channel. (You have to be on a computer to go onto the community page, unfortunately it doesn’t show up on mobile devices)
3. Comment in the page: (whatever you want to say really... like “please teach this!” Or “I would love it if you revealed this!” Something like that.) Then PASTE the link to the performance in your comment.
4. Post your comment! And I will for sure look at everyones request! The people's tricks that I like will get a special shoutout and a tutorial for the trick in a future video!