The North Korean Tree That Almost Started WW3

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The day began simply enough, with Captain Arthur Bonifas and Lieutenant Mark Barrett going on what seemed to be the most boring mission of their careers. They would lead a work detail of American and Korean soldiers on a task that seemed, on the face of it at least, to be something so routine, it wouldn’t even be interesting enough to write home about. In fact, the mission revolved around gardening, a hobby so mundane it’s more closely associated with retirees than soldiers. Little did anyone know that by the end of the day, both Bonifas and Barrett would be dead, hacked to death by an unexpected enemy. Who was responsible for this butchery? Was it one of their own men, or someone else?
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Further Reading:
Simple History Creator: Daniel Turner (B.A. (Hons) in History, University College London)
Video Directors: Anthony Barrett, Denis Blinov
Script: Tash Martell
Script Review: Peter Turner
Artists: ShyShelly, Arya Ahumada Lydisma
Animators: Kuldip Bheda, Krunal, Mani Kumar, Bharghavi
Editor: Alec Urbany, James Dowse
Senior Production Manager: Umar Ijaz
Simple History Channel Manager: James Dowse