Could coronavirus change how we tackle the climate crisis? | The Stream

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With major cities under coronavirus lockdowns, ecosystems around the world have been healing. Smog-free air, cleaner waterways and drastic drops in carbon emissions have become a rallying point for many environmental activists who say that change is possible. Emissions of carbon dioxide – the main contributor to global warming – are predicted to drop a record 8% globally this year, according to the International Energy Agency.

But scientists say the clear skies and other improvements will be short-lived and have minimal impact on global warming as economies begin to re-open. And as many nations are looking to bounce back from economic turmoil, action on climate change may not be the highest priority for governments. In this episode of The Stream, we'll look at the potential impact of the pandemic on environmental policy and tackling the global climate emergency.

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Thanks for watching everyone. Tell us what you think in the comments below. We read all of them.


Unfortunately we have to wear masks😷 when we suppose to enjoy record low pollution of our environment.😪


Most current human activity is needless and designed simply to create economic growth.


I'll be studying this with my Model United Nations students. Thanks.


Par for the course that an "expert" asserts that visible smog is CO2. Send this woman back to grade school.


I am hoping that people will see the importance of advancing electric vehicles after seeing just how clean the air became in some parts of the world (China & India) as a result of motorists keeping their cars at home. We NEED electric cars as soon as possible.


Peace, Health, Prosperity to all mankind ! Covidi-19 and Climate problems will not be solved without personal freedom and liberty of individuals and societies. New ideas for solutions to our global problems comes from the mass. NGOs and activists and other institutions have been trying to get solutions but the reality is all the global problems have even got worse than before. Thanks to their efforts. If they want real solutions for global problems, let each country deal its own problems by itself without NGOs & other institutions involving . If they want to help let them give their money and be out of our ways to solve our problems. NGOs come to poor countries to make things more worse and create new problems by enriching themselves . So Aljezeera Stream producers and presenters please take note and entertain people from different backgrounds and with wide range of new ideas. Real Solutions come without getting personal monetary & political gains for individuals, NGOs, institutions & governments. Real and honest charities and help do not in turn get monetary and political benefits .


climate change crisis🙄😂😂😂😂
“Let’s tax the people” crisis.


has NASA said about climate change crisis? perhaps is it possible?


Humans health then probably could be atchyvible ecosystems with much better clear thinking.
Example some Asian countries Korea, China, Japan first including medicine when rest many countries for many years failing until even now to deal with some Virus when China Korea did very well


Oh so this dude doesnt say its about keeping the air clean. Its about making companies pay money to keep the air dirty. The rich countries should pay the climate debt. LOL> All he cares about is getting money. China is probably the biggest polluter in Africa but a lot of the shit they mine ends up in items that end up in the west. They better find a way to make comics because i will NEVER pay for digital media unless its DIRECTLY from the artist. This is movies music books and games. I dont agree with these phone games that trick people into paying lots of their hard earned money on a game that they cannot own the items they pay for. They pay to borrow these items. Its almost like cryptocurrencies. You can never own Bitcoin. And u cant put them on your wallets, You can store your keys but never the currency. Fiat money is dead so nothing to do about that. But physical items will probably be a rare thing in the near future. I do not think manufacturing is going to be like it was in the 20th Century. Best century ever


You guys should have just closed when asked, you’ve become as bad as CNN !


Please change the presenter, voice is very bad and can’t clear
