Brain imaging course – Unknown case 1

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This video is the 1st unknown case that goes with the brain imaging capstone course.
If you want to follow along, you can find all the images for the case at the brain capstone website:
0:00 Introduction
83-year-old female with h/o hypertension presents with altered mental status, slurred speech, left hemiplegia and right sided gaze
1:19 Interactive review
In this case, there is a CT showing an area of hypodensity and loss of gray-white differentiation in the right cerebral hemisphere. There is a corresponding area of vascular occlusion at the right carotid terminus on the CT angiogram
On the MRI, you can see a large area of DWI abnormality in the left MCA distribution confirmed on the ADC imaging. There is corresponding FLAIR abnormality. These are all findings of an MCA distribution infarct.
4:38 Case findings summary
Here you can see screenshots of the findings which we saw in the interactive case review.
6:18 Interactive questions
Test your knowledge learned during the rest of the course and on this case.
7:48 Summary
Thanks for tuning in to this case. There are a total of 7 cases you can review on your own at the website and explanations will be posted here.
If you want to follow along, you can find all the images for the case at the brain capstone website:
0:00 Introduction
83-year-old female with h/o hypertension presents with altered mental status, slurred speech, left hemiplegia and right sided gaze
1:19 Interactive review
In this case, there is a CT showing an area of hypodensity and loss of gray-white differentiation in the right cerebral hemisphere. There is a corresponding area of vascular occlusion at the right carotid terminus on the CT angiogram
On the MRI, you can see a large area of DWI abnormality in the left MCA distribution confirmed on the ADC imaging. There is corresponding FLAIR abnormality. These are all findings of an MCA distribution infarct.
4:38 Case findings summary
Here you can see screenshots of the findings which we saw in the interactive case review.
6:18 Interactive questions
Test your knowledge learned during the rest of the course and on this case.
7:48 Summary
Thanks for tuning in to this case. There are a total of 7 cases you can review on your own at the website and explanations will be posted here.