How strong are Category 4 hurricane winds? This video shows damage by storm category

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Hurricane Ida is expected to be an "extremely dangerous" Category 4 storm when it makes landfall Sunday, Aug. 29, 2021, in Louisiana.

On the Saffir-Simpson Hurricane Wind Scale, a Category 4 hurricane has winds of 130 mph to 156 mph.

The video from the National Hurricane Center shows the potential damage of different storm categories.

The Saffir-Simpson scale estimates potential property damage. Major hurricanes -- storm that are Category 3 and stronger -- can cause devastating to catastrophic wind damage and significant loss of life simply due to the strength of their winds, according to the National Hurricane Center.

Category 4 winds will cause catastrophic damage, hurricane forecasters said, such as:

- Well-built homes can sustain severe damage with the loss of most of the roof structure and/or some exterior walls.

- Most trees will be snapped or uprooted and power poles downed. Fallen trees and power poles will isolate residential areas.

- Power outages will last weeks to possibly months.

- Most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks or months.

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Watching this to see how Hurricane Hilary may hit us over here. Wishing all my Southern Californians luck


Watching this as hurricane Ian went from 3 to 4 and is now reaching 5. Hoping everyone stays safe


This video is about as accurate as a blind man is at throwing darts and hitting a bullseye, a category 4 will not pick up your house and throw it like a tornado would, however, your roof is probably gone. A category 4 is easily survivable in a large building like a hotel, parking garage, etc. That's how storm chasers film high-intensity hurricanes.


Here because of Hurricane Milton, stay safe Florida


Who came after hearing about California lmaooo


Dame ripe me I guess. We got a cat 4 coming in 1 day


Protip, this is not the video you want to be watching while you wait for a category 4 hurricane to arrive. < I say as I do exactly that lol


Welp in philippines yesterday just happened a category 4 storm and it's my first time seeing one.
Now at the day there's so many big huge trees scattered around the road and it's devastating. But lucky my neighbor house protected our home and absorbed the gust of winds. Now there's 7 days blackout in our country


Whos here after hearing about Hurricane Hillary coming to Southern california


Typhoon Mawar is 140 mph, Blessing all of my fellow Guamanians 💗


I started laughing as it hit a 2this is real


He said 'category 4' months ago, and he says, 'we are about to make history', both separate occasions. Most recently, 'agaua'. Let's pray and see what it all means.


Well i guess we're all gonna die.
Thanks latoya!


I'm guessing my mobile home will not be there tomorrow 🙃


This is way dramatic lol. Not accurate at all.


I have been told anything higher than cat 3 evacuate!


God means business. He told me to go and get my groceries and the milk for my newborn.

I added the comment here as I am trying to be obedient in every area I'm assigned to: cat4..
It may be a public demonstration of the Lord's love for me. This isn't to make you jealous, but encouraged. He loves you the same way. I will explain this love at a different time. I allow the Lord to lead teachings, questions, studies, and battle prayers.

As David once said and I paraphrase, ' pick a side!' ' Are you a friend or enemy- let it be known, because God is about to make my enemies my footstool.


I have been saying it all day long. Get far far away from the path of that Hurricane because it is going to be a complete disaster when it hits. Ida is currently a CAT 4 and we all just saw what Cat 4 winds do to buildings.


God wants His children to repent. Repent says the Lord.

We put our trust in agencies, chariots, time shares, stocks, work from our own hands, seeing things as they are and not by faith- God says, repent.

We trust the weatherman and prophets, more than we trust God. I can't help you. And this is not my fault, I only heard it from the Lord.

Things I pray about that seem undetected:
2021 Texas|Mexican border|Tr*** and the wall, freezing temps..Pride!
I was shocked to hear that even Christians supported looking past the hungry and tired children in Mexico to support opinion - Pride.
You reported them and drove them away- Don't you know that Moses and Jesus had to do the same thing? You Herod!
And I am suspicious of your cattle. What happened when they all froze to death, did you use them anyway? I won't rail accusations but I pay attention and the Lord recompense you and just as I prayed, I heard him say, Rightly spoken- because I was afraid of starting rumors but it's true. It died of itself. Repent. I'm not sure if Texas is next but God resists the pride, and you are very proud of your state- a warning to repent and be humble and show kindness.

Also, God has control. Isaiah 3:2. On the other hand, just like David- and the Lord sees my heart, not to touch his anointed prophet, but he used a census and angered God - a choice was made and, the wall, which is offensive to neighbors. Now they have sided with New York and they hate Israel. So we pray. Asking God to forgive us and lead us as these storms and events pass through.
