🏡 Cozy 19'x21' (6x6.5m) Small House Design with Charming Front & Back Porch | Smart Floor Plan 🏡

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House Plan: (400 sqft) (39 sqm)
- Size: 19'x21' (6x6,5m) details at : 9:05
Discover this beautifully designed small house that packs charm and efficiency into its 19'x21' (6x6.5m) footprint. This 400 sqft (39 sqm) home features a cozy front and back porch, perfect for relaxing and enjoying the surrounding garden. With green exterior walls accented by black trim, this house stands out with its inviting porch roof, gable vent, window, and door. Join us at 9:05 for a detailed tour of this smart floor plan and see how every inch is thoughtfully utilized. Surrounded by lush greenery, potted plants, and a charming fence, this small house is an ideal retreat. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the bell icon for more cozy home designs!
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Симпатичный дачный домик для теплого климата, профессиональный дизайн, сразу видно, красивая картинка, товар для продажи. Очень хорошенький домик.


Nice design, but needs another 50 sq. ft. to be more functional. There is no place to hang coats or put your shoes- you just walk right into the living room. Also, getting washed at the sink in the bathroom would be challenging since the washer and dryer stick out too far for a person to comfortably lean over the sink.
I would add the front porch to the living space, squaring off the front of the house, to allow for a coat closet and a little more room in the living room. You could add a porch to the front of the house instead of having it tucked in.


Для кукольного домика- прекрасно. А для жизни- при входе где снять верхнюю одежду и обувь? Очень симпатично для летнего домика, в котором люди живут на выходные.


Этот ролик можно было показать за минуту! Берегите наше время, пожалуйста.


Дизайнеры могут развлекаться сколько угодно, а жить в такой стеклянной коробке нельзя. Дом без тамбура нормальный человек даже рассматривать не будет. Даже если этот дом в тропиках! Там, знаете, тоже дожди бывают. И человеку надо где-то раздеться и переобуться. А уж в нашем климате это вообще ни о чем.


Too tiny and unprotected, too transparent: big windows everywhere and practically no walls. No place for bookshelves, no place for clothes and footwear. Thinwalled, fragile. It's a toyhouse.


Домик - мечта третьеклассницы для её Барби. В спальне есть даже столик. И рядом стоит стул, чтобы сесть за этот столик. Вот только отодвинуть этот стул чтобы сесть не получится - кровать мешает.


Очень красивый, уютный домик. Я поняла, что мечтала жить именно в таком!!!! ❤


Боже какая красота мне бы такой домик зачем особняки так мило


Как красиво 😍👍
А удобства - это право каждого человека выбирать на своё усмотрение 😉
Мне нравится 🤗🤗🤗


Great layout, though I'd declutter the living/kitchen area by getting rid of those weird floor cushion-chairs and the table that takes up so much room. Take the desk out of the bedroom, you can't even pull the chair out to sit down, lol. Needs a bit more storage, too, but otherwise it's pretty awesome!


Очередной летний дом. Ни обувь снять ни куртку повесить. Из обогрева только камин и он для красоты.


Здорово! Всё здорово! Теперь такой домик моя мечта😊


Особенно спальня как в детство холодной водой 👻😍


I love how people look at tiny house designs and then complain about it being a tiny house. I think this is a nice design. You could replace the table with an island that wokkd add more storage but i personally like the table. I light opt for a higher table to make it easier to use as a counter space when not in use as a table. The bedroom is a good size unless you have a king bed. Personally, I'm one person and love my twin sized Japanese floor bed so I'd have plenty of room in there.
The only issue I have is the bathroom. There doesn't seem to be enough room in front of the washer (or is that the dryer?) for the door to open all the way. I'd either reconfigure the bathroom or add a little more square footage in the form of a laundry room off the back porch behind the kitchen.


I really like most of the tiny houses I’ve seen but have one consistent complaint that I never see enough living room space for a Christmas tree.


Smaller kichen table, longer couch. Smaller table on bedroom too. Bathroom/laundry combo is ingenious.


I like it but I would screen off the back porch so we could enjoy the back more without bugs and my cats could go outside and enjoy the fresh air as well.😊


Actually disregarding the negative comments I think you did a good job with your Color scheme and design. Orientation of the house S-SE with the windows could make a difference in the placement of them. I’d love to see this design, modified with a 2nd story. Not a ladder loft but with the kind of stairs with storage that “tiny home/trailers have.
Most designs on YouTube spend way too much time in preparing their house designs with furniture and landscaping like it’ll be featured in the “homes and garden” magazine or some such subscription. Focus on practical everyday living designs that the average person would want to actually live in, raise a family and thrive. Oh yeah, draw something that includes a utility room with hot water tank, hydro/power box etc…


Beautiful! A place for a single person! Who wants to relax! Just what i want! I gave big dubble story houses, acers of land, and lots of stuff, now, all i want is peace! And small😂😂😂🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉
