Thousands in Israel protest legal changes planned by Netanyahu government • FRANCE 24 English

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Tens of thousands of Israelis gathered in central Tel Aviv on Saturday night to protest plans by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's new government to overhaul the legal system and weaken the Supreme Court — a step that critics say will destroy the country's democratic system of checks and balances.

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I sure hope BILL MAHER has BB on his show again. We need to hear his thoughts on the matter. LOL.


It’s truly heartbreaking to hear the man say that this isn’t what he wants for his daughters future to be 😔😖😢! Keep fighting people you guys are not alone✊!


I don't know whats going but seems instresting.


like 5 elections in like 5 years. I really don't think democracy is something to worry about in Israel. What is worryin' is to watch how far people (or should I say actual far right people) who didn't get their choice run around screaming 'democracy'.


Obadiah 1:3, KJV: The pride of thine heart hath deceived thee, thou that dwellest in the clefts of the rock, whose habitation is high; that saith in his heart, Who shall bring me down to the ground?


EU asks Israel to compensate for destroying Palestinians buildings: #free Palestine 🇵🇸


A nation can either be a democracy or a religious state. No better example of the decay of democracy than the nation state Israel. More proof that to make a good person do something evil just add religion. We rightfully IMO call out nations that have elevated religious zealots over reason, rationality. Many religious leaders fear atheism, see it as threat when in reality they're decaying from within. Decay driven mainly by overly zealous minorities undermining secularism.


*Headed for Exile?*

It has been more than two months since the general election in Israel took place. Although the results showed a clear winner, and no one disputes the integrity of the election process, the tensions in Israeli society seem to be growing all the time. There is talk of civil disobedience, apprehension of politicians who incite against the government, and repetitive mentioning of the words “civil war.” A well-known journalist even said that nothing will change until a lot of metaphoric, and even real blood is spilt.

As has happened many times before, the people of Israel’s worst, if not only enemy is internal division, internal hatred. No ruler has ever vanquished us unless we first annihilated one another. We are at a crossroads once again, and once again, we seem to be choosing the path of pain.

The fact that we all know our history and what has been our bane throughout the ages, makes no difference. No argument or reasoning will convince us to make concessions, or even negotiate with our dissenters. Our attitude has always been totalitarian: Either our rivals accept that we are right and relinquish all their claims, or we fight them to the death.

Politicians who expressed one opinion only a few years ago, now express the complete opposite opinion only because their position has changed from being in the government to being in the opposition, or the other way around. Every issue—from Israel’s judicial system through its economy to its security and defense—is subject to political position. Considerations of the best interest of the country simply do not exist anymore. Even if the country falls to pieces, “leaders” will not give up until they are king of the hill, even if the hill is a heap of smoldering ashes.

When the only considerations are what serves my ego, of course it is impossible to let anyone rule but me. If I am not the prime minister, I will interrupt and interfere in any way I can. This is the prevailing mindset.

I remember that years ago, I was slightly involved in the Israeli political system, but for years now I have refrained from any involvement. The only result of political meddling is that it puts the country at risk, and I want no part in it.

Our enemies rejoice at the sight of our internal hatred. Like the Romans did two thousand years ago, they will use our inner fragmentation and drive us out of here. As has happened so many times before, we will, God forbid, be exiled.

Throughout our history, our people have been exiled, slaughtered, burned, and tortured to death. All these torments came to us for our inner hatred. Nevertheless, we have refused to accept that our only road to happiness and peace is the road of loving one another.

Even though our nation conceived the ideas of love of others, charity, and mutual responsibility, we have always shunned these notions. Instead, we agreed to love only those who thought like we did and lived like we did. We have set an example of both mercy and cruelty, but in our annals, the latter has always ultimately won.

King Solomon said, “Hate stirs up strife, and love will cover all crimes” (Prov. 10:12). We are great at carrying out the first part of the verse, but we are awful at following its latter part.

We cannot hope to agree with one another; this will never happen. Our only hope is to learn that despite our disagreements, we are one nation. Unless we understand that just as brothers do not murder one another simply because they disagree, neither must we. Otherwise, we are headed for death and exile.


"Democracy is indispensable to Socialism." -Marx 'The goal of Socialism is Communism.' - Lenin.


WHAT'S GOING ON: A state with HET Constitution and Bill of Rights. In Israel it is the courts that have the function of checks and balances, because there is no Constitution, because there is no Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights of 1689 is one of the constitutional laws of Great Britain. The Bill of Rights (U.S.) is a package of the first ten amendments to the U.S. Constitution., , ., , , , .,


what the 🤬 did they expect, they keep electing him, he rightfully thinks they want him to dictate. 😒


So that's how Netanyahu plans to have the corruption charges dismissed!!


We iranians support the revolution happening in israel.Oppressed Israel people deserve a better goverment they dont want this terorist goverments anymore #democracy_for_israel #regime_change_israel 🇮🇷✌


Lol, someone needs to tell them what their Apartheid government does in Gaza concentration camp


Need to take dictator out.. not just protesters.. take the dictator out..


‘Far right’… You mean Fascist? :p If it were any other country, that would have been the spin


In any case they will just keep on building settlements.


I dream of free, democratic and tolerant Israel.


JUAN 3. 16 Porque de tal manera amó Dios al mundo, que ha dado a su Hijo unigénito, para que todo aquel que en él cree, no se pierda, mas tenga vida eterna.


Shalom, Salam, Peace.

Mistakes In The Torah & Gospel.

1. Usury.
2. Abraham's Two Wives [Sarah & Hagar].
3. Planet Is Round Circle [Suppose To Be Ostrich Egg - Sphere From The Quran].
4. One Of Noah's Son Went On A Mountain To Escape The Flood, But Drowned.
5. Adam Was Only Tempted By Satan, Not Eve.
6. God Is Supernatural Thus Does Not Rest On The Sabbath, He Has Unlimited In Power.
7. Solomon Was A King, But Also A Prophet.
8. Torah & Gospel Mentions Only Pharaoh's, But Not The Period Of The Kings.
9. King Solomon's Temple Made With A Glass Floor, Thus Queen Of Sheba, Lifted Her Dress, Assuming It Was Water.
10. Haman Mentioned As The Chief Of Persian Farzi, Quran States He Was The Chief Stone Builder, To Build The Tower.

Toda Raba & Shukran.
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