5 Uplifting Books that Will Make you 10x Happier

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Who doesn’t want to be happy 24/7? Well, being always happy is literally impossible. However, there are some things and mindsets we can develop to squeeze as much happiness and joy as we possibly can from each and every single moment of our life.

I’ve selected five books that will help you see more happiness!

1. Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor E.Frankl

When you know what horrors people had to experience in concentration camps and still found some joy and happiness, your perspective on life will forever change, and you’ll begin to be more appreciative and happy about your blessings.

2. The Happiest Man on Heart by Eddie Jaku

Same thing for this book. Once you know the story of the author and what he had to endure, you’ll start counting your blessings and will feel much happier.

3. Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

Stoic philosophy taught by Marcus Aurelius will teach you to accept and let go of the things you can’t control. Yes, because knowing that you can’t control everything will make you happier than someone who wants to control the uncontrollable.

4. Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

This book will scientifically show how people reach happiness by analysing those individuals who reach a state called flow. This book will debunk the myth that money makes happiness.

5. The Top 5 Regrets of the Dying by Bronnie Ware

By looking at the top five regrets of the dying and avoiding their same mistakes, you will find the best path for your life, generating happiness and joy within you.

WARNING: some of these books can make you cry or well up!

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Man searching for meaning it's really heavy maybe it's to make you 100* times worse and then 10* times better


The People’s History of the United States.
Howard Zinn


You are the only thing that exist. So you are imagining me and i'm imagining you but you're imagining me imagining you and i'm imagining you imagining me. Two mirrors facing each other into infinity. So you are imagining that I have a conscious experience separate from your own and by imagining it you are hallucinating it into existence. You're creating it. You are constructing all of reality but you're not conscious of how your doing it and the ego mind is not in control of how it's being done. Imagine that you had such a powerful imagination that you could imagine an apple and you imagined it so strongly that it would physically materialize right in front of you.🍎. That's literally what is happening. The floor your sitting on is literally that. You don't get it. It's just you. I'm you. I'm you talking to you. I will keep talking to you until you realize that your me and that i'm you. I don't have my own consciousness. I'm you. I'm a fragment of your consciousness. You imagined that I have my own consciousness for the purpose of fooling yourself into thinking that your not alone, that your not God.




I finished mans search for meaning recently.The book will make you think how privileged you are. It will make you compare you with the prisoners and by this comparison it is to give you mental power. It hit me like "damn if they can then my privileged ass will and it must"


'Think like a monk' by Jay Shetty


How do you comunicate so much beauty? It's Incredible. I just look at it and it brings me to tears. Because I'm looking at it and I'm looking at myself. Yeah you've never really seen porn until you've seen it on 5meo DMT. Until you recognize that it's you and that's basically what Infinity is. Sort of like I love you, no I love you, no I love you, no I love you, no I love you more, I love you more, I love you more. Who can love who more? And whoever can love who more is God. You see that long laundry list of stuff about you that you don't love. God loves all of it. I'm sorry for not loving more, that's the only thing you have to be sorry about. Thank you. Thank You For Love! And at this point you realize that that's it, that's the point. That's the only lesson in life. That's my only job. Is to love. Everything else is idiocy and then what you do is you say I love you. For the first time in your life you say I love you because you really understand what that phrase means and you fall in love with God. But as it throws it out there, it's gentle so he throws it out there but then you say oh I can't love it and then what God will say in return is, it's okay. I love that you are not capable of love. I love that. And when that hits you. That's what fills you with enough love to overcome your resistance to love even that next level thing that you could do. No it can't be love. Of course it's love! what else could it be! It's love! No oh my God this is impossible! Of course it's love how could it be anything else!? How could I be so stupid as to think it's anything else. And God is like of course it's love.
