Formula Feeding over Breastfeeding, My Story & Support for Moms Feeling Mom Guilt

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If you're feeling pressure to breastfeed or feeling guilty about wanting to formula feed, then hit play NOW! In this video, I share my experience with breastfeeding and pumping.

I also share why formula feeding was the right choice for my family and why it may be the right choice for yours!

Instagram: @absolutelyadell

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I just gave birth 7 weeks ago
It’s sad that once baby is born, people forget about mom and her feelings


Some nurse and lactation consultant made me so pressured that I didn't want to see them anymore with the consant telling which feels like nagging, so it pushed me to formula feed more. Also, the fact that I have no sleep, stressed out, not alot of milk production made my formula feeding decision final.


It’s really not that serious. Formula in the USA is highly regulated and being a mom is a stressful job all on its own. I love that I made the decision to formula feed my 1st baby and I will be doing the same with my second. Personally, I have limited family support and I have to make sure I’m mentally and physically strong so I can be there for my kids. You will still have lovely bonding moments with you baby regardless. ❤


Thank you for making this!! I’m looking for Moms on YouTube that didn’t breastfeed & or not pressure or make moms feels less than for not breastfeeding. It’s hard to find for me anyways. Still kinda makes me sad because I shouldn’t have to feel shamed or like a horrible mom.


This made me so happy because I was stressing?? Why do we stress about breast milk.and feel guilty??


You’ve made me feel so validated, so nice to know I’m not alone in this battle thank you for this!


I am so thankful YouTube recommended this video. I felt seen and heard ! Breastfeeding was a struggle, pumping is stressful while looking after a newborn. I try to give my son expressed breastmilk when I can and top-up with formula while dealing with mom guilt . This gives me strength and validation . So thanks again !!


Thank you, thank you for supporting all women’s choices! The shaming needs to end. I love how simply you put everything.


With my first son my entire experience trying to breast feed & in the hospital was so traumatic that that’s all I remember.. how traumatic it was. I’m pregnant again & this time I want to enjoy as much as possible so I’m choosing formula. Just that decision & mind set shift is all it took. I couldn’t be more happy & excited looking forward to giving birth knowing my husband gets to help & share that experience with me while I recover. Do what is for YOU ladies. Your baby is going to be healthy & get benefits whether it’s breast milk or formula milk. Don’t let the world decide what is right for you.


This closely mirrors my journey as well. I also had an emergency c-section, and was grieving that I didn’t get the birth experience I anticipated. Then as the breast feeding slipped from me, it was another wave of that grief. now he’s gaining weight, thriving on formula. Thanks for sharing this! It helped me a lot as I pack up my pump today.


I don’t feel guilt about it it’s other women in my family who try! To make me feel bad about it.


Listening to this in 2024. Thank you so much for sharing this. I really want to breastfeed my baby but my milk supply is pretty low. I try to pump often but I barely get any. And ofc, lot of judgements are passed. This video and your experience certainly helps and good to know I’m not alone!


Thank you so much for sharing your experience. My baby is currently 8 weeks old & I’ve been feeling so bad about not being able to breastfeed. My supply just never really came and I was so stressed and sad about it and cried so many times because I thought that I was being a bad mom for giving him formula 😢. I tried so hard to nurse and pump but I just had drops of milk. I guess it didn’t help that the whole process was seriously causing me stress and literal sadness. My baby is healthy and growing and I’m still coming to terms with formula feeding. I do feel happier and not stressed but can’t help but still get sad at times. Your video literally made me feel better. Thank you ❤


Thank you for the video.. Switching from breastfeeding to formula today, baby is almost 2 weeks


Honestly I needed this video so much
I have never wanted to nurse but I was very much open to pumping and also supplementing with European formula as needed but as my due date gets closer the more I just know I don’t want to pump either.
My husband is super supportive of whatever I decide to do so that makes me feel so much better. We live 2 hours away from all our family and we literally don’t have anyone out here that we can just call and ask for help. He works full time and although he’ll be home the first month I just cannot imagine pumping around the clock to maintain my supply plus on top of that caring for a baby and just feeling like my body is not mine AND the entire that my husband is at work being completely alone without any company to interact with and feel somewhat normal. I do not want to get stressed out and end up with ppd, I just want to be a happy mom, a happy wife, and just happy for myself.
This video totally gave me that reassurance that my decision is okay and that my baby will be just as healthy and loved.
Thank you a million times!!!!


I’m here as a second time mom and I’m grateful for this video. I’m still in the hospital and was CRYING last night because I’m frustrated with it. With my first, I only lasted 5 months before my milk supply ran out even though each feeding was 40 minutes long.

Last night baby just kept feeding and feeding and still needed formula after and it just brought me right back to the struggles I had with my first. And just started feeling so anxious. I thought the 2nd would be easier and would come more naturally but it’s not...

Still not 100% sure what I’m going to do, but I’m grateful to know that other struggle with this decision and that’s it’s ok! I can’t imagine going with my past breastfeeding schedule and being able to watch a toddler at the same time. Not feeling like it’s worth the struggle right now, especially when my first was mostly formula fed.

It’s funny how when I think of others doing formula, I think it’s 100% ok, but when I think of myself doing it, I guilt myself. Why do we do this?


I am 3 weeks postpartum and I am so sad I can’t breastfeed my very first newborn baby. Baby was delivered at 37 weeks with cesarean and milk was a joke. It just never actually increased like I thought. I had to feed my baby and we’ll formula it is. I do feel guilty at sometimes, but than I’m just thankful I have something to feed my baby.


You are an angel for making this video. 2 years later, I am just finding your video now. I recently found out I am pregnant and the thought of having to breastfeed scares me because my boobs are already sensitive when I PMS to the point where I can't wear a bra or lay on my sides. I am early in my pregnancy and my breasts hurt so bad I can't even imagine the pain once I start producing milk. I always felt like it is not fair that women not only have to carry the baby and all the body changes that come with it. But we also feel forced to breastfeed (because every woman in your family did it). I don't see my self waking up around the clock by myself to feed the baby, pregnancy and delivery alone are really exhausting. But I am not going to feel guilty for being able to be in my body after all those changes. And like you said, I also want my partner to participate.


Thank you so much for telling your story! You helped me soo much ❤️ after a month of breastfeeding and pumping and two times with mastitis I am transitioning to formula and hearing others say it’s ok just makes me feel so much better!


I wish I had seen this with my first born, the amount of anxiety, frustration and guilt I felt around trying to breastfeed was so bad, it took the joy out the experience. And it felt like everyone around me was not supportive at all, and were pressuring me to "just figure it out". My experience was very similar to yours, then I had a supply issue and not being able to get even a full feed out of a pump session was when I just "gave up". This time I'm going into it planning to pump from day one, for as long as my body will allow, and then once (or if) my supply gets low I'll start the process of switching to formula. Those who say "fed is best" are entirely correct, there's enough to worry about with a baby without the stress and frustration of being unable to feed them.
