Tidy Tuesday live screencast: Analyzing IKEA furniture in R

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I'll analyze a dataset about the IKEA furniture, without looking at the dataset in advance.

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1:34 Downloading and exploring the dataset [ikea <- %>% select(-X1)]
4:06 What are the most common categories? [count(), fct_reorder(category, n), geom_col(), labs()]
5:12 Distribution of prices per category. [geom_boxplot(), scale_x_log10(labels = dollar), glue("{ category } (n})"]
9:05 Converting Saudi Riyal to USD.
11:01 Visualize same data with Joy Plot to show bimodality. [library(ggridges), geom_density_ridges()]
15:30 Use [fill = other_colors] to investigate whether extra colors increase the price.
17:03 Building a predictive model of category, other_colors, volume.
17:46 Are there items that appear in multiple categories. [count(name, category, sort = TRUE)]
19:20 Visualize results. [geom_col(), fct_lump(), fct_reorder(name, n, sum),
23:00 Using short_description information. [str_trim(), str_replace_all(), separate(), extract()]
29:48 Unite() category and main_description.
31:47 Calculate the volume in cubic cm/liters/cubic meters.
34:23 What are the biggest objects? [geom_boxplot()]
39:25 What is the highest price per cubic meter? [color = category, fct_lump(), geom_point(), geom_smooth()]
44:13 str_squish() instead of str_trim() is very useful.
45:08 Investigating how price relates to designer. [group_by(), summarize(), n_distinct()]
46:46 Creating a model for volume, category, price. [lm(), fct_relevel()]
52:50 Coefficient/Tie fighter plot. [library(broom), tidy(), ggplot(aes(estimate, term)), geom_errorbarh()]


This is actually the greatest DS content out there on YouTube. Thank you, David!


Dude this is amazing. Thank you so much for explanations!


Thanks for the video, good work, learn a lot


These are great! Thanks, David! For the community - any chance there is a similar feed for those more comfortable in Python?
