Andrew tate’s last message

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In this video, Andrew Tate shares his final thoughts on life, bravery, and legacy, urging the world to choose heroism over cowardice. From personal advice to his daughter to a powerful message for humanity, Tate delves into why he believes in living life on the edge, facing death with courage, and why he'd rather be remembered as a hero than live a life of insignificance.

Full video can be found on Jack Neel interview podcast.
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I was homeless, got into drugs, went into prisons, then i got to know Jesus, He changed my life.. Now i make 22k weekly. have a home, a wife, a lovely daughter... A child of God. HALLELUJAH


Death is coming for us all. That is one of the biggest truths.


We die twice. When we breathe our last breath, and when we are a memory for the last time.


I hate people who tinge truth with intentions hidden with maliciousness. It only shows the infinite capacity of man to do evil.


The reporters reaction at the end is just iconic.


Hot take: the real heroism is recognizing the sovereignty of subjective awareness, and not cowing tow to some manufactured image of oneself projected outwards to win the approval of others.

The wise person, the truly brave mind recognizes that there are no others.

No one to call you a coward.

No one to call you brave.

No "world" out there to be brave in.

Just consciousness.

ONE consciousness.

That was the only thing he said there that had any truth to it.

The eternity of consciousness.

It's already absolute.

It's already beyond death.

The only bravery comes in seeing through the illusion of a separate self, not in identifying with its dramas and dancing around like a baboon to win people's admiration until death.

And finally, the REAL bravery comes in taking TOTAL responsibility for one's subjective experience.

No more outside parties to blame for my suffering.

No more "matrix" bullshit.

No Romanian "conspiracy" within the government to point fingers at.

Just me.

I as consciousness am solely responsible for my entire experience of life.

If you're going to take ownership of the sports cars, the babes and the mansion, take ownership of the jail time, the barred cell, and the long, hot showers with other men, because you have created both scenarios, largely with the same set of behaviors.

Be consistent.

"Man up" as you say. Own the consequences of your lifestye, rather than crying bogeyman when life gives you feedback on your own choices.

This investigation isn't happening "to" him it's happening *for* him to wake up and realize who he really is.

Or he can keep the mask on and make balloon animals for all the little kids ("Look at my house!! Look at my Bugatti!") until the party comes to a close.

From this point of view, human consciousness not waking up over there and simply playing the "Andrew Tate" character for another forty some-odd years would be the real coward's move.

There is nothing shameful about staying home in meditation, turning one's attention inwards and facing reality head on, rather than acquiescing to all the pressures of society, distracting oneself with all of the social games humans play to survive.

For as Lao Tzu once put in the Tao:

"Without leaving my house, I know the whole universe."

That's the real hero's journey to a really special and admirable life.

Not this amalgam of performative cliches and tropes.

The journey within.


Look, if you had one shot or one opportunity
To seize everything you ever wanted in one moment
Would you capture it or just let it slip?
Snap back to reality, ope, there goes gravity


Tates have some flaws or sins, that weak mind people try to stick to it to justify their beliefs, but in the realm of feelings courage, sacrifice and bravery are the hardest feelings to acomplish(and it is the way to go according to the bible), also they are fighting the good fight in the name of god, chosing the right side, and i think that he is with them and he will reward that forever.


A man will die but not his ideas💪🏼💪🏼❤❤


Man your channel is awesome! Wish I had your numbers!


imagine he said instead, try to find a man better than me


That shirt makes his chest look odd....


Since he converted to be muslim All troubles comming often😢


That’s wild he is sitting casually next to someone interviewing him who might be working with or for the matrix and implying his clock is up. He is so brave! Yo what does he always say, that word? “And he stands there! Unphased!”😮


That guy released like 10 days ago as right now I m commenting
But after 5 days he gets into shape like before I mean if that's not discipline then what is ?


I WANT to be forgotten, I WANT every single person i have met to be forgotten about ME. Yes i am a cowerd.


My last message to Tate : Don't drop the soap !


All the evidence out there about him, most of it coming from HIS own mouth and y'all still ride for him. Y'all are cooked.


Hero for what ? Working his women to make him rich ? Confessing to SA of a minor ?
