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We study the new Smart Mask System inside of Mari to create procedural wear and tear.


00:00 - Intro to Smart Masks
00:25 - Where to find Smart Maks
01:21 - Initial Smart Mask Setup
03:45 - The Mask Builder Base Preset
05:03 - Isolate parts of your Smart Mask
05:39 - Setting Group: Base Color
05:44 - Setting Group: Thickness
06:57 - Setting Group: Directional Gradient
08:19 - Setting Group: Object Space Normal
10:27 - Setting Group: Height Select
12:50 - Setting Group: Curvature
14:25 - Setting Group: Occlusion
14:49 - Setting Group: Texture 1 / Texture 2
20:23 - Setting Group: Noise
21:24 - Setting Group: Global Adjustment
21:36 - Saving a new Smart Mask
22:22 - Legacy Dynamask Preset

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Awesome addition to the already featured packed ext pack. Thanks Jens


Great improvement of extension pack 5..


Thank you :) that was super informative and well explained


Is the new version R6 now supporting geo channels to insert the masks? That will help a lot.


Hi Jens... I was wondering how I would procedurally modify a pattern that is not based on the forms of the model. Currently, I’m texturing a very old sea turtle that has many spots on it that are wearing away on the spots edges... but in most cases the wearing down is around the shapes edges in varying amounts. The problem is that these spots aren’t raised up from the form for the any of the nodes to detect curvature or AO. As you can guess, the spots are not regularly shaped or positioned over the turtles skin. So I figure that I’d need a node to find the edges of the 2- dimensional pattern of dots... and then the dots can be modified from there. One way I thought of doing it was by using Substance Designer, but I’d like to use the extension pack to do it. There are hundreds of spots on this turtle...and I just don’t think it’s practical to do one spot at a time. Do you have suggestions on how to achieve this effect? So far I’ve used a Color node filled with black and a paint node as a mask to paint where the spots are on the turtle. The spots don’t just fade out from a black or dark brown center. Oftentimes the dark center fades to a burnt orange color and then the light tan skin color. I’d like to be able to vary the transitions as they fade out. Thank you for doing all of these videos for us!


I am having issues connecting the smart mask nodes output into the merge materials matte input, it simply won't connect. Other nodes will connect just fine, geo channels, paint nodes, etc. Any ideas why this might be failing? THANKS!
