The Levite and the Concubine | Bible Stories

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The story of the Levite and his concubine in Judges 19 illustrates the darkness and lawlessness of the time when "everyone did what was right in their own eyes." A Levite was traveling with his concubine when they stopped for the night in the town of Gibeah. An old man took them into his home, but soon a violent mob surrounded the house demanding to have relations with the Levite. In a cowardly act, the Levite pushed his concubine outside.

In the morning, the Levite found the concubine at the doorstep. He callously put her on a donkey and took her home.

This event rallied the tribes of Israel for justice. They came together to punish Gibeah for their wickedness, nearly wiping out the entire tribe of Benjamin who defended Gibeah's sin.

The Levite's and his concubine and the civil war that followed reveal the darkness of those times. Yet God still worked to punish evil and raise up judges and kings who would lead Israel. This story reminds us that godlessness destroys lives and communities, while obedience to God brings light into the darkness.
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My sister called mortified after reading this verse. I had not read Judges so we both mourned the loss and horror of men and evil. I'm going to share this with her as I really love the way you showed Gods redemption... men are evil but God came in flesh to save us from ourselves. As you were closing I thought of Jesus and the woman caught in adultery, that fact that "they" all turned away, old first... God bless you from South Africa


Without God, we would all be corrupt...


Scripture connects itself from Genesis to Revelation. This is so powerful and shows life without fear of God.


This message is so powerful our dear Heavenly father love to correct us through our past mistakes. To him alone be the glory forever more, AMEN


Hopefully God saw that woman's pain and she gets true justice. Amen


I could not rest after reading this chapter. I am greatful to you for allowing my mind to return back to the plan of salvation... Thank you greatly.


Wow, wow 🤯 have never thought to compare Lot's story with this.. very insightful, God bless you


I just read this 10 minutes ago and now I see this video, and this violence is still going on today😠😠


Oh Lord Jesus, no one could ever love us quite the way you do!


This is so awesome!How amazing and unfathomable is the love and mercy of our God and Redeemer❤


This is Powerful! Everything that the Bible speaks about is alive in today’s society. I truly like the comparison Between Judges and Genesis.


Absolutely love the subjects and how they are explained, so exciting to find your site. There are strange subjects in the bible that is not talked about or even read, such as the Satyrs in the bible I believe there is a lot more to them than you hear about, Christians do not like to talk about certain subjects or just don't believe in them, you get a lot more information in ancient manuscripts. most people only want to hear everything is nice and full of Love which is so wrong. Thank you for doing something different but biblical.


I learned from this story that if things are bad enough in a marriage that you leave, don't let him soft soap you into going back with him because there is a good chance you'll end up dead. His cruelty was encouraged by her willingness to return with him.
The Bible also says when he awoke the next morning and found her on the step, he told her to get up so they could leave. How could he have slept when he heard her torturous screams? Then when he realized she was dead, he put her on his animal and carried her to a place where HE was safe! To further prove how little he thought of her, he didn't even have the decency to bury her. According to the law of Moses, anyone who touched a dead body became unclean. Still, he sent her dismembered body parts all over the country! In my opinion, he was the most despicable man in the Bible.
She is called a whore, but her actions prove she only left for her safety. She didn't run off with a lover. She didn't become a prostitute. She went back to her father's house for protection.
The Levite was pure evil. He didn't even marry her, meant she was his exclusive property. If she would have had children, they would be denied the right of inheritance. Just because he was a "man of God" should also be a warning that you must trust your spiritual leaders by their character, not their title.
When you were comparing the story of Sodom to the rapists in Judges, you over looked another parallel in the two accounts. When Lot's wife looked back, she turned into a pillar of salt. When the Levite's concubine consented to return with him, she also lost her life.

As for the reason Rachel died in childbirth, she stole her father's gods. When Jacob was accused of the theft, he said whoever is guilty should die. During the search, Rachel said she was menstruating so to search the camel she was sitting on was unclean. The truth was she was already pregnant with Benjamin. Rachel's death was tragic, but it was God's punishment for her theft, her lie and Jacob's inadvertent curse.


Humbly, i thank You Lord, for Your Goodness and Mercy, in Jesus Christ's Name. Amen ❤


Thank You Holy Spirit And Help Us To Continually To Do Your Will, I Ask You HOLY SPIRIT To Continue Giving Us The Strength In The Name Of JESUS Amen and Amen 🙏 HOLY SPIRIT I Give You ALL The Glory Hallelujah and Amen 🙏


Wow thank you for sharing with us these two stories 🙌you compared them in a way in which l have never heard 🙌🙌🙌🙌God bless you and thank you Lord for those who do your will amen 🙏


The OT is a nightmare of events.
Men throwing women out to the crowd is the most cowardly thing I have ever heard.


The same sin Adam did by blaming Eve when God confronted both of them after eating the forbidden fruit- Eve took responsibility by expressing her beguilement after listening to the Liar but Adam blamed Eve and God, ‘it was the woman You gave me…’


The Levites were suppose to be holy and the priest? What is he doing with a concubine? What a horrific story very dark past for the children of Israel.😢😢😢Thank God for Jesus


The Holy Bible is from a Holy God who is separated from sin. But we humans are so sinful by nature that even in the 21s century such utterly depraved, cruel and inhuman acts are committed by some to our shock and horror in many countries. This proves that the essential underlying human nature has not changed from the
Stone Age to our ultra-modern Digital Age. The Bible is a realistic book and does not white wash raw human nature and portays events as they occurred in the past to teach us the negative and tragic consequences of sin and draw moral lessons from them. Thanks for your brilliant exposition of a very sad and heart-rending incident recorded in the Scriptures.
