2023 LLVM Dev Mtg - MLIR Is Not an ML Compiler, and Other Common Misconceptions

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2023 LLVM Developers' Meeting
MLIR Is Not an ML Compiler, and Other Common Misconceptions
Speaker: Alex Zinenko
Despite the vast amount of material about the MLIR project, misconceptions regarding its scope and implementation abound. This talk will clarify such misconceptions highlighting that MLIR is not in fact a compiler, let alone a machine learning system; that dialects are intended to be mixed together despite the misleading name; and that there is fundamentally no single optimization and lowering pass pipeline. This talk addresses audience members with varying degrees of familiarity with MLIR, from neophytes who would get a better conceptual understanding of the project to advanced long-term users and contributors who could question or additionally justify some of the design choices that led to these misconceptions.
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Really helpful for me who is a beginner.


MLIR is not a ML compiler, true, maybe start from changing the toy language tutorial, maybe start with a traditional compiler building approach


Hope the speaker is going to defend Chasiv Yar and not cowardly avoid the draft in immigration how he currently is doing.
