Yujin Nagasawa - Diverse Arguments for God?

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Arguments about God, whether based on science, philosophy, theology or personal experience are always fascinating. Those arguments should push and be pushed in order to consider the possible existence of a Creator. We must also consider defeaters of God. For all arguments for and against God, we should explore their assumptions, logic and boundaries.

Yujin Nagasawa is a Professor of Philosophy, and Co-Director of the John Hick Centre for Philosophy of Religion in the School of Philosophy, Theology and Religion at the University of Birmingham.

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Introspection, self-evaluation and the deep appreciation of both the beauty of nature and the inconceivable scale of the universe don't require the worship any supernatural, hypothetical creator.


Thought it was Hiro Nakamura for a second.


Being good human & being good to humanity is form of worship to God.
God is the measuring stick of goodness.
And with Jesus, we have a chance to align with that measure.


Thanks from France for you both excellent work!!!


People who believe in gods are gullible.


Job from the bible worshiped GOD thru all of his misfortunes, that's called faith that this world lacks I feel sorry for these people who think they should be blessed before they worship GOD


Humans imagined something all powerful, all loving but we don’t know if such a thing is even possible.


In Islamic understanding, worshiping isn't only about 'ritualistic'. The concept of Ibadah (Qur'anic etymology of worship) has a wider meaning, but it can be simply describe as "Everthing that God love us to do then we do". For example, if we don't drinks intoxicant or drug for the intention of God, it also part of worships, besides it also healthier for our body. Same with married, raising a child, doing our job, etc. So the Qur'an also had mentioned that God doesn't need our worship, instead we as creation, who needing God. Even the concept of rituals it self, like a shalah (prayer in Islam), it's only for our benefit. God doesn't need our appreciations. Quran had mentioned in case all human-being, nobody won't appreciating God, then God still the greatest.


The problem with the argument against worship is that they are debating the concept as if god was another human being therefore they feel uncomfortable with the idea and instantly dismiss it. Yet in the next sentence they begin to apply all this achivements and qualities that are clearly impossible for a normal human to reach. I think they are rather uneasy with the concept of being humble and subservient to anybody else, they want to remain independent, so the real problem here is human ego.


I hate that they keep saying it is obligatory. It is a complete misunderstanding of what worship is. A human who is exposed fully to God's presence worships just like a human fully exposed to gravity falls. It just happens in response to seeing God for who He is completely and fully. God is pure so far beyond our understanding and so beautiful beyond anything we can imagine, it is simply overwhelming and drives us to our knees in awe. This is why God does hide Himself from humanity. By hiding Himself He does allow us to choose to love and worship Him without bias or force. This is also why God will reveal Himself more fully to those who have already made the personal choice to serve Him. With the choice already being made it allows God to reveal more of Himself to a person without encroaching on their free will.


To worship God is to help someone who has not been as fortunate as you.
I know where you come from or live perhaps there is no hunger or poverty but you do not have to go far away in order to see human sufferings.
The Bible in James 1:27 Says:
"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and keep himself unspotted from the world."
My worship to God is thanking him for having granted me a heart to give.
All you need to do is to visit one of tropical countries such as Dominican Republic to see for yourself.


When I was three years old I wanted when I grow up to become a god.
Not the god of architects, bankers, doctors, teachers ... drug dealers, pickpockets, pimps. Not a king, tzar, sultan, maharaja, or emperor. I wanted to become the god Itself.
No blasphemy!
I had an illuminated grandma, as illumination went on among the country grannies of her generation. She taught me to read at three, write at four, knew many legends, myths, and old women" tales.
However, granny could not provide satisfying answers to then, fundamental for me questions like ' How the sun drinks its milk - with salt or with honey?', ' Where the wind sleeps?', 'What are the stars?'.
To such and similar questions granny answered: God knows!
'See', I said to myself, that god must be a very knowledgeable person, I want to be a god when I grow up.'
Another time I asked granny to read me a tale. Granny said I can't because I can't find my spectacles. The only devil knows where I have put them.
Aha, I thought, there's another encyclopaedist, I want also to be a devil and find the spectacles of granny!
Granny told me that if you pray for something, your wish may come true.
A whole week, before falling asleep, I prayed long, almost a minute, god, god!, devil, devil! make me a bit like you to know things about things!
He-he! Kids beware of what you wish as kids! Knowledge is nothing if you don't have with who to share and knowledgeable humans run the risk to be hospitalized.


Yujin is a fortunate guy, then why isn't he worshiping to God?


Another great video. I love this channel


The only gods are the ones that were created by people.


Hiro can just go back in time and have this conversation over and over again.


I don’t like worship for the sane reasons you mention. It leaves me with nowhere to go and nothing responsible for making me a human and not an animal tho, it’s hard to comprehend and it leads me back to consciousness thoughts


Being born in a good country, having access to financial resources, and generally being in a desirable state. It's all temporary. Does the fact that it's temporary, and not just likely, but that it's certain to end at some point. This would kind of obliterate one's reason to 'worship' anyone, including their own parents, let alone 'God'. It's all subject to end, fortunate or not.


We should worship each other because we are each the creation of something.


Kṛṣṇa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, isn't very interested in worship.

CC Ādi 4.17: [Lord Kṛṣṇa thought:] "All the universe is filled with the conception of My majesty, but love weakened by that sense of majesty does not satisfy Me.
CC Ādi 4.18: "If one regards Me as the Supreme Lord and himself as a subordinate, I do not become subservient to his love, nor can it control Me."
