Ranking every U.S President since 1977

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I wonder which party this guy belongs too


Bush has to be last on this list, i mean unless your extremely bias how do u put him in the top 5 of anything? If social media was as prominent during Bush's day as it is today, he'd make Biden look polished and sharp.


Ah yes, this has no Republican bias whatsoever.


Bro REALLY put Bush above Obama 💀

Edit: Mom I’m famous


People complaining that he’s bias. As if he’s the news and not a guy making a video about his personal political opinions. How could someone’s political opinions not be bias. It’s a personal ranking, not who was objectivey Better. That has no answer. Everyone would disagree on that one way or the other.


This definitely doesn’t have a right wing bias lol


Joe doesn’t belong on this list, he belongs on the dq menu.


8- W.Bush
7- Carter
6- Biden
5- Trump
4- Obama
3- Clinton
2- H.W. Bush
1- Reagan


Sorry to disagree, but Bush is the worst. Not the right man for the job. He didn’t cause 9/11, but his response did force us into Iraq for no reason.


Okay I have a slight suspicion about what party this guy is in
As a Canadian, here is my ranking of them based on my knowledge
8. Jimmy Carter(I know nothing about him so he’s here by default
7. Joe Biden(“America is a nation that can be defined in a single word:Asmfsmfs-scuse me”)
6. Bush Junior(It’s a toss up between him and Biden, Bush Junior sucked at his job)
5. Bush Senior(He pardoned people in involvement with the Iran-Contra affair and operation Just-Cause was a thing)
4. Bill Clinton(Did he have intercourse? Either way, he signed the bill that gives people medical leave and he absolutely killed it on the sax(Look it up, it’s so great))
3. Donald Trump(Bad person, not a bad president. He strengthened relations with the communist countries and Russia, got people less harsh sentencing, and the economy was good. The thing holding him back was almost causing world war 3 on Twitter)
2. Barack Obama(If only we knew his last name, also Obama Care and that he Killed Bin Laden. He also said that they’re building iron man as a joke and I love it)
1. Ronald Reagan(“Mr. Gorbachev, Tear down this wall” like he helped end the Cold War and that speech was a Beauty. Nuff said, he’s the JFK of the Conservative Party)


My List:
8. George W. Bush: This was super easy for me, his response to 9/11 is one of, if not the worst disasters in American history in the last 20 years.
7. Joe Biden: He's pretty bad, he screwed up the nation, and he's an absolute coward. He was a mess of a president.
6. Barack Obama: Basically tied for #5, but I feel like he was worse for some reason, him and Bush Jr. led the the nation down a dark path.
5. Jimmy Carter: Herbert Hoover of the 70s pretty much.
4. Bill Clinton: Yeah, he was alright. I don't like him as a person, but I'll admit that he was a good leader, and this nation was thriving because of him.
3. Donald Trump: Anyone who puts him top 10 or bottom 10 presidents of all time doesn't know history very well. He led this nation up a thriving path, and although some things he did I'm not a fan of, I have to admit that he was great at the things he did good.
2. George H. W. Bush: I get the corruption was bad, but every president was corrupt (except William Henry Harrison, but he died 30 days into office). Bush's economic policies and handling of the Gulf War was phenomenal.
1. Ronald Reagan: Great president, terrible cabinet appointments though, I'll admit that. He was responsible but not involved, but the amount he changed this nation for the better after Carter left was not to be forgotten.


My ranking:
1. Ronald Reagan
2. Donald Trump
3. George H W Bush
4. Bill Clinton
5. Jimmy Carter
6. Barack Obama
7. George W Bush
8. Joe Biden


Bush: No Child Left Behind Act, Iraq, Afghanistan, Patriot Act, Hurricane Katrina, the Great Recession, etc.

AUMF and Bush’s reaction to 9/11 is a disgrace. The president should not have the power to bring war wherever they please.


People need to realize that both trump and biden really aren’t that bad of presidents and will probably go down as fairly inconsequential.


Conservatives are so predictable- I saw the name, predicted every single ranking, and had every single one right


Biden couldnt be president of an ice cream truck let alone the United States


8# Joe Biden
7# Jimmy Carter
6# George Bush Jr
5# Barack Obama
4# George Bush Sr
3# Bill Clinton
2# Donald Trump
1# Ronald Reagan


Obama > Biden > Clinton > Reagan > Trump > Carter > Bush Sr > Bush Jr


He had the Audacity to put a literal murderer in #4. Swap Clinton and Carter, and put W. lower.


Wow what an unbiased ranking, would love to see more unbiased rankings like this one.
