Online Mindfulness Therapist for Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without medications
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Online Mindfulness Therapist for Agoraphobia and Social Anxiety Disorder without medications.
So please contact me if you're interested in learning how to manage and overcome the sometimes extreme anxiety reactions and panic attacks associated with social anxiety disorder and the most severe form of anxiety disorder that is agoraphobia.
So I provide an online therapy service in which I will teach you mindfulness-based methods for working with anxiety and these methods have proven to be very effective. I have been working with people over ten years now and they all benefit greatly from this approach.
So what is the Mindfulness Therapy approach for overcoming agoraphobia and other anxiety disorders? Well there are many aspects to the mindfulness approach but the first, I think, important thing to really understand is that mindfulness training is about learning how to overcome that habit of avoidance. That's the first thing.
Avoidance is your worst enemy. If you're struggling with anxiety and especially with social anxiety and agoraphobia, avoidance has the effect of reinforcing the anxiety and the result of that is that the anxiety gets stronger, which then precipitates more avoidance, avoidance behaviors and other reactive processes that simply lead to even greater anxiety.
So in mindfulness training we train and not to avoid but actually to do the opposite, which is to develop more conscious awareness around your anxiety. You need to develop a very conscious relationship with your anxiety if you want to heal. Avoidance is not going to do that.
We look at the reactive thoughts that feed the anxiety and we learn to break free from those habitual thoughts in the same way, that is, if there are reactive thoughts then we develop a friendly conscious relationship with those thoughts, instead of struggling with them or trying to avoid them or become totally lost in those thoughts. The problem is not the thoughts it's the fact that we become identified with those thoughts, and we become reactive because we're identified with those thoughts.
So that identification process is based on unconsciousness, the lack of awareness. Mindfulness counteracts this process of reactive identification. You can be present with a thought and not react. When you can do that then you can help it heal. You can change that thought in a way that helps it heal. So that's the first part of the structure of the anxiety: looking at the reactive thoughts that cluster around the anxiety and feed it.
The other part of the structure of anxiety, and any other emotion for that matter, is to look at its imagery. The way that you see the anxiety in the mind is what causes that anxiety. The internal imagery is what organizes our emotions. So we want to come to see that in great detail because when you can see the imagery of the emotion you can begin to explore changing that imagery. And when you change the imagery of anxiety you change the emotion itself, you decrease its intensity and you help neutralize that anxiety.
So working with the imagery is really important and is a major part of Mindfulness Therapy.
The general program that I recommend is that you construct a schedule of incremental challenges.
So these are taking on small challenges, whatever they may be. Doesn't matter how small they are. The thing is that you need to do these in a systematic way. So if that is just stepping outside the front door then that is the challenge you would work on until you've totally freed yourself from anxiety. And we train for these challenges. That's the other vital aspect of mindfulness therapy.
So if you'd like to work with me as an online therapist and you'd like to schedule Skype Therapy sessions with me to work on your social anxiety disorder or your agoraphobia, I'll be happy to do that.
Simply email me and we can work out the times that we can meet and start this process. Typically people see improvements in a very short time once they start applying this very strategic mindfulness-based approach, what I technically call mindfulness-based exposure therapy. So if you would like to learn more please contact me. Thank you.
Agoraphobia Treatment Online via Skype.