Titanfall 3 Isn't Happening The Way You Think...

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Titanfall 3 isn't happening, at least not in the way that you think it is. Since Titanfall 2 was fixed a few weeks ago the population has skyrocketed. With that has come a huge new influx of "leaks," and videos discussing a possible Titanfall 3. Most of these leaks are fake, some are memes, however the real truth is likely something a lot different than what players are expecting. Could Titanfall 3 be revealed in 2023? Sure, maybe, but more importantly is how will Titanfall 3 fit into Respawn Entertainment's larger ecosystem and objectives.

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I miss complete games at launch, progression, multiple maps, free content updates, real and proper post launch support. I miss the the golden days.


My mind is telling me no but my heart wants a 70 dollar full package. I miss that kind of shooter.


If they must release the multiplayer as f2p and the campaign as full-price, my only hope is that the multiplayer will be fully functional when offline (preferably with bot support as well). Online matchmaking requires connection/servers ofc, but it’ll be disappointing if Respawn repeats the mistake of not offering offline LAN play/custom multiplayer in Titanfall.


Eh you are probably right, but I want a Titanfall Gane that has the cinematic aspects of 1 with the feature of 2. I don't see that being delivered in a Apex bundle add on... I pray it's a standalone.


As much as I would absolutely love to have a titanfall 3 all I’m expecting is a campaign dlc for titanfall 2 and a new Titan for the multiplayer. I’d be surprised if we don’t get anything titanfall related and I’ll be pissed if EA was just trying to get more people to play Apex.


the major thing is that the F2P games nowadays are STILL mostly BR games, even MW you still pay the 70 bucks to get the MP, yes, i think they definitely could release that game in this current market, hell, i think they should


I don't even trust Respawn to make a satisfactory Titanfall 3 anyways...


Warzone is F2P and MW3 will be $70. I definitely dont want to be locked into characters in TF3 - what I really want is Destiny with TF2 gameplay. Not the open world mission part or the looter shooter crap or the raids, but like I never want to be kicked back to a menu screen - I want to go from a space ship down to my pvp match and back up to it afterwards. I want my faction to mean something other than the announcers voice, maybe even faction specific story missions where I can fight for the IMC or Militia or one of their sub-factions. I can't remember, but it seemed like the war just kinda ends as both sides exhaust their supplies so it would be awesome to play campaigns for both sides. I want every map from both games too. And no more a-wall


I'm so sick of free to play...it just means progression based rewards will be gimped in favor of a fucking cash shop.


no amount of "Free to Play" argument will sell me on a game. because that "free" costs anywhere from $20-300+ in individual player cost (via micro transactions) and so that $70 cost looks very good to me if the game is done.

As for the apex argument... i wouldn't be supprised if there was a titanfall/apex merger where the apex games became a mode in a more traditional fps game.


I think this is a prime example of something that happens in the industry all the time. A dev(s), in the free time, worked on a side project that they cared about. In this case, while likely working on something else, a developer decided to take a look at Titanfall 2's net code and over time, fixed it. Got it verified through official processes, and then the game got patched.

It could just as easily be them prepping for something in the works but right now there is absolutely zero evidence of that. It's merely speculation and conjecture based on subtle teasing. Teasing likely made by the same group who fixed the game. If we're going to be honest with ourselves, this is a nothing burger. Fingers crossed that it's anything more than that, but don't get your hopes up. There would have been far more buzz about Titanfall 3 being in production if it was (Several Titanfall 3 missions were made prior to Titanfall 2's support was pulled), because there are ways to verify that. Job postings, etc.


Why do i feel like its just gonna be a titanfall update that makes titans fully customizable


TBH a new Titanfall campaign would be hype AF!


Dude. Honestly if it isn’t $70 i dont want it. And I’m sure most Titan fall lunatics feel the same


The giant freemium all-encompassing central hub style would be the most disappointing outcome possible. Titanfall was born out of the shortcomings and lack of creativity shown by CoD, so seeing Respawn resort to copying the other triple A shooters would be such a slap in the face. Titanfall has such a loyal fan base because of how unique it is. I also think the f2p style (or at least battle royale) is something that is losing interest/on the way out. I really hope they look to the future and innovate a little and don’t let us down. But I fear EA is looming in the background, ready to mess it all up again.


I could see both coming and they've grown this much I would hope they would have the confidence to release a full game and idk ill would get it


Ur tellin me you think the apex base that pays 120$ for a skin in a first person only game wont pay 70$ i dont know🤔


I know they're just hyping an apex event. Every single time they've mentioned or done anything with Titanfall, it's been to sell apex. And the only way I think we'll get a new Titanfall is when apex loses steam. Because they wouldn't want any competitors for apex.


Why not just have a free to play multiplayer and a paid campaign like Infinite? We dont want any Apex shit. We want Titanfall 3.


I don't want a free titanfall game I am so tired of the shitty free to play model
