M16 - Call of Duty EVOLUTION

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The COD Mobile M16 has also an empty mag reload animation now, but unfortunately I can't record it again at this time because I don't know why but, you can't play battle royale in first person on emulator anymore.

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Ah yes, the full auto in campaign, burst fire in multiplayer gun


I love the M16, and his little brothers, XM177 and M4. Their distant cousins SR-25 and M1101 are cool too.


It is worth mentioning however, the common misconseption that every variant of the M16 *(EXCLUDING CAMPAIGN VERSIONS)* has burst fire capabilities. For instance, we see that in BO1, 3 and 4 the A1 variant is shown to only be able to fire in bursts.


The sight picture through stock irons on the M16 will always be one of my favorites in CoD.


The CoDM part though it's outdated.... The reload animations actually improved actually adding empty reloads


Man the only thing I disliked about the M16 in COD is that its always(seemingly)in burst


The 2019 modern warfare is like the only one to have composite p-mags instead of GI mags, surprised it took so long


I think COD BO1, COD MW2 Remaster, and COD MW 2019 had the best sound designs, weapon models, and reload animations for the M16.


In CODM you can use M16 in training bro, the trick is to press settings and loadout, you can use M16 there, or increase the level


Every single black ops entry also uses the standard issue 20 round magazine model when in game it holds 30.


Talking about the M16, Squad is getting it's V3 update later today so it's getting the M16A4.


Ah yes, the Treyarch syndrome. 20 round mag that magically has 30 rounds.


Basically the primary weapon in service in USA possibly before being replaced by SIG MCX Spear


BO1 M16 was probably burst because the commando was a thing in that game.


Ah yes the classic imma break a 20 round mag with 30 rounds


MW2019’s M16A1 sounds so Meaty while others except Bo4 sounds so Beefy. Bo4 sounds pathetic


awesome job about M16 EVOLUTION from Call of Duty


I honestly prefer M16 over M4. I find long-barreled AR-15s to be more attractive than the short-barreled ones.


M16은 스토너 아말라이트에서 제작된 돌격소총으로 최초 등장은 당연히 베트남 전쟁이며 M14를 대체하기 위해 만든 돌격소총이다.게다가 최초로 5.56mm를 사용하고 있으며 AK-47과는 라이벌 구도를 서고 있으며 종전 이후로도 꾸준히 개량되어 사용하고 있다.하지만 M16은 하나의 문제점이 있다면 바로 탄창 문제인데 원래는 25발 탄창으로 만들려고 했지만 역시나 트러블이 있을까봐 20발로 그쳤지만 역시나 전부 채워도 문제가 있어서 결국 19발만 채우는것으로 그쳤지만 이후로는 30발짜리 탄창이 나와도 역시나 29발 밖에 못채운다.파생형 과 개량형으로는 미군 제식 사양은 M16A2, M16A3(미해군 사양), M16A4가 있으며 대부분 많이 쓰이는 모델은 M16A4밖에 없으며 M16A2는 육군 훈련용 교보제로 쓰이고 있다.대한민국도 M16을 사용한적이 있으며 1960년대 부터 1970년대까지만 M16을 쓰다가 이후인 80년도부터는 K2 소총으로 전면 교체되었고 M16A1은 예비군들이 지겹도록 사용되고 있다.근데 나중에 K2 소총(구형 사양)으로 교체되고 있다.근데 대한민국도 M16을 면허 생산한적이 있으며 그 덕분에 K2 소총의 개발의 원점이 되었다고 한다.게임에서는 연발로 나오거나 파마스 처럼 3점사로 나오는 경우가 간혹 있다.그러나 모던 워페어 2019 부터는 단발 과 3점사 조정간 조절이 가능해졌다.근데 이건 배틀필드 3부터 가능한 기능이라서 그렇다고 생각하면 된다.근데 싱글 플레이에서는 게임마다 다른데 모던 워페어 1편은 은근히 안나오지만 M209 유탄 발사기를 착용된 해병이 들고 나오는것을 볼수있으며 특히 바스케즈 소위도 들고 있다.모던 워페어 2 와 모던 워페어 3에서는 아예 광학 장비가 장착된 버전으로 나오며 3편에서는 전차 승무원들의 무장으로 나온다.블랙옵스 1은 애초에 60년대 배경으로 하는 무기인데 이상하게 위버레일이 달려있는 모델이 종종 나온다...2편 과 3편은 근미래를 다루고 있으니 패스하고 콜드 워는 80년대 배경으로 하고 있어서 어느정도 설득력은 있다.

파생형으로는 CAR-15 와 M16 카빈 그리고 XM-177 코만도가 있으며 이 파생형은 M4의 원조격이라 볼수있다.

The M16 was an assault rifle manufactured by Stoner Amalite, originally made during the Vietnam War and replaced the M14 In addition, it uses 5.56mm for the first time, competing with AK-47, and has been steadily improving since the end of the war.However, the M16 has one problem: it was originally intended to be made of 25 bullets, but it was only 20 bullets for fear of trouble, but it was only 19 bullets because there was a problem even if it was filled with all of them, but after that, even if there only 29 bullets.Derivatives and improvements include the M16A2, M16A3 (U.S. Navy specification), and M16A4, and most commonly used models are the M16A4, and the M16A2 is used as a teaching aid for army training.South Korea also used the M16 from the 1960s to the 1970s, but the M16 was replaced by a K2 rifle in 1980, and the M16A1 was used to the point of boredom by reserve forces.However, it is being replaced with a K2 rifle (old specification).However, Korea has also licensed the M16 and it is said that it has become the origin of the development of K2 rifles In games, it sometimes comes out in a row or in three runs like Pamas.However, from Modern Warfare 2019, it has become possible to adjust between short hair and three-point adjustment.But this is a function that can be done from Battlefield 3, so you can think of it as that.However, in the single play, it varies from game to game, but the first Modern Warfare episode does not come out, but you can see a marine wearing an M209 grenade launcher, especially Lieutenant Vasquez.In Modern Warfare 2 and Modern Warfare 3, it comes out as a version equipped with optical equipment, and in the third part, it comes out as the armament of the tank crew Black Ops 1 is a weapon set in the 60s in the first place, but strangely, models with Weaver rails often appear...The second and third episodes deal with the near future, so pass and Cold War is set in the 80s, so it is somewhat convincing.

The derivatives include CAR-15 and M16 carbine and XM-177 Comando, which can be considered the original version of the M4.


Why is Treyarch so obsessed with 30 rnds M16 using 20 rnds mags? Its such a small detail but it annoys me because it happens in every COD made by them
