Demi Lovato Woke Up To 3 Extraterrestrial Beings In Their Room

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This is going to sound a little bit out there, but just bear with them. Demi Lovato tries their best to explain a surreal encounter they had in the middle of the night with three "beings," which took them to a pink and purple planet during an astral projection. Demi and Kelly talk about their beliefs in extraterrestrial life, and Demi's new show "Unidentified With Demi Lovato."

#KellyClarksonShow #DemiLovato


The Kelly Clarkson Show is the uplifting daytime destination for humor and connection featuring Emmy-winning talk show, Grammy-winning artist and America’s original idol, Kelly Clarkson.
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See this is how you know this didnt actually happen. When she said "I don't wanna use the word abduction cause that implies that it was without consent"... as if aliens would give a shit about being cancelled for not abducting without consent lol


I can’t believe Demi keeps going to all big shows and having an interview that she talks about Aliens


People who have had NDE, I guess they're crazy too. Keep telling your truth Demi.


For me, something doesn't sit right with Demi anymore.😏😔


And people called Kanye crazy?
Dude's looking like your average Joe since Demi went insane.


When you have an experience with extraterrestrials- you want to share it ; however, only those who have also experienced such a phenomenal shift in dimensions and communication can relate and understand the feeling. Way to geaux Demi... spread the word.


I have a newfound respect for Demi, its not easy to talk about aliens, especially on mainstream tv


she’s literally loosing her mind. i wonder what Kelly was thinking in her head😭


I don't usually use this quote but i think it's appropriate "cocaine is a hell of a drug"


I'm glad to come across this. When we call it "out there" or talking about being vulnerable and having our walls down as "sounding like a stoner" we continue to feed the narrative that emotions, spiritual or other-worldly experiences are wrong or crazy. We keep it outcast and diminished. I appreciate their courage to talk about these things and i hope for whomever gets a chance in the future to speak their truths does so unapologetically.


Shes 100% not crazy. I have had a very similar experience years ago. It was scary but I know in my heart and soul that it was very real as so many have spoken about having similar experiences


For those who haven't had an ET/other-world-being encounter, that's all you can do is call someone crazy and make jokes.. until it happens to you 😉


This woman is losing her mind in front of the world and everyone is cheering her own because they think it’s just the right thing to do.


LOVE! And thank you to Kelly for being open-minded and not just running with the "fear" or "no way" convo that most hosts would put out.


Wow. I just happened upon this. In my first childhood abduction, after the medical examination and tests, they took me to the bridge of the ship, and asked me if I wanted to see our planet. They showed me where they were from on a star chart on the wall. Then, sat me in front of a window to see my house and neighborhood (It looked as though it were daylight, even though it was in the middle of the night, so it was some kind of night vision technology) and then took me out to space, to see the planet. They asked me if I wanted to go with them (to their planet, I guess), and I said No. They told me they could offer all the knowledge of the universe, but I was just a little kid, and couldn't understand. After getting upset, they finally took pity on me and took me back and put me in my bedroom, where they took me. They came back every year after that, and other aliens, from another planet, took me too, who were cruel. They did painful medical experiments on me. The nice ones were tall and gray/white. The mean ones were short and gray, with praying mantis, bug guys, as assistants in the examination room. Both inserted little pellets in me, that I learned years later, was how they could locate me, no matter where I moved over the years. One was discovered and removed during a leg surgery as a teen, and i had another removed from my upper arm, years later, when it showed up on an Xray. I must have another left because the nice ones still find me, every 2 years, in the early spring. I know that people here won't believe me, but I'm telling the truth. I'm too old now to care what people think, so judge away! I'm sure everyone will know the truth eventually.


Same thing happened to me in the early 1990s, except it was five "grays, " I was 12-13, and they didn't take me anywhere, but showed me a projected slideshow of information about my genetic past and future potential. I also compared it more with astral projection than literal abduction. I don't think she's crazy at all.


Demi: "It's kind of self-centered to have a view that we are the only life in the universe"
Also Demi: So these three ETs came to SEE ME specifically and take ME on a tour of their planet.
Get in the bin.


Demi: *heavy drugs and alcohol use often at the same time

Also Demi: “I seen some aliens!”


Bringing attention to the topic is the way forward, I believe her because she knows the ridicule she will face and still tells her story.


Thank you Demi for sharing what happened to you.... it validates the rest of us that have had similar encounters.
