Docker Postgres and DataGrip Tutorial

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In this docker tutorial you will learn how to set up a docker container running a potgresql instance. You will then run a second docker container using psql to connect to the database. Finally you will use DataGrip IDE to connect tho the database.
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⭐ Table Of Contents ⭐
🙊 Here are the goods for all my videos video:
► Recommended Books
Clean Code
HTTP: The Definitive Guide
Clean Architecture
► Computer and Monitor
New Apple MacBook Pro
Dell 27 INCH Ultrasharp U2719D Monitor
Double Arm Stand Desk Mount
USB C Hub Multiport Adapter
► Camera Gear
Sony ILCE7M3B Full Frame Mirrorless Camera
Sigma 16 mm F1.4 DC DN
Sigma 33B965 30 mm F1.4 DC DC
Awesome Screen Saver
IDE I use for coding
- Iterm
- VsCode
- GoLand
- IntelliJ
- Sublime
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