Captain America: Civil War Review

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John gives his in depth (non-spoiler) review of the new Marvel film CATPAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR
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"Action without dramatic purpose is just visual noise" You listening Snyder?


"Civil War: It's better than Thor."

Haha, they can't exactly put that on the poster.


Helmut Zemo is actually the most competent and understated villain in the MCU. I enjoyed his story arc and didn't feel let down. I had to watch the movie twice though to really get his motive and the brilliance of his plan.


Poor Hawkeye, the saddest Avenger of all. Not even a mention.


I bet Cap and Iron Man will kiss and make up when they realized both of them have best friends named...


seriously google it lol #Martha


Black Panther is great by the way.
Spiderman is just wow as well.

I liked the villian, he was important to all of this happening. His plan made perfect sense, without him they'd be no civil war.


Ok, so let's be honest here, I Like DC, and I Like Marvel, and I wanted to LOVE Batman v Superman so bad, but man, it's so obvious they wanted to compete with Marvel, they just throw stuff inside that movie, so they can in 2 years have justice League movie, but that's why Batman v Superman wasn't good movie by itself, sure it has awesome moments, but they tried to throw so many stuff in there which are unnecessary. They want to make everything in 2 years what Marvel did in 9 years. That's why Marvel has at least Good stand-alone movies, but through the years, those movies has much more meaning as we watch more Marvel movies, because we know the characters, and in Batman v Superman Lex is totally cliche villain, poorly developed, and they throw many stuff only Comic book fans will understand, while Marvel explains everything to casual movie fans, and give more to comic book fans. No, I am not DC hater, I wanted to love Batman v Superman so bad, I loved Man of Steel, but it is so obvious where is problem, I hope I will like other DC movies more, but for now, Marvel is my thing, because they do it right


I disagree with th villain being bad. Unlike all the other marvel villains he actually had a compelling backstory, was intimidating, he actually did have an impact on the story, and his plan made lots of sense. So many people have tried to kill these superheroes and failed, but if he could use their emotions against each other he could actually seek his revenge.


Campea is the best critic on YouTube, love your content, enthusiasm and we agree on most things. Got my tickets to see it the 28th and I can't wait! Keep up the solid work mam!


John you are pretty much the only critic I trust at this point, so it makes me want to go watch this movie now. Thanks for your sincere reviews.


if you guys turn the volume down and listen carefully, you could hear the party that they are already having at Marvel Studios.


Campea is wrong. The villain was great for what he was supposed to be in the movie and his character was used to great effect. I really enjoyed the plot because the villain was who he was as a plot device rather than a doomsday.


You will change your mind about Zemo, when you see the movie again. He is a great villain, because his motivation was clear and also he was actually able to what no one else could and he did not need a giant robot or chitauri army. I loved that did not have to go in battle against them, but to pull the strings and let them destroy themselves.


DC, get smart and get The Russo brothers! I love DC more comic and animated movies better, but Marvel is killing it live action wise.



John, i thought some of the logistics of the villain's plan didn't make sense as well. But overall, he basically was trying to fuck with the Avengers and creating chaos and the brilliant thing is, SPOILER ALERT, that he did actually succeed on some level.


Spoiler Alert !!!
Actually I thought Zemo was great . He had a reason to go after the avengers. His plan worked. When you think about, framing winter soldier cause a lot more people looking for him. That's how Bucky got captured.


In the MCU I thought Zemo was the second best villain after Loki (TV has had the best villains overall).
His plan made sense, his plan worked and he was the only one who came out victorious.

He will return stronger and with greater desire for vengeance.


don't always agree with Mr. Campea, but he always makes such interesting points and observations. Excited to see this movie.


My biggest worry was that the film makers would be play it safe like AoU. I thought they'd literally have half the avengers disagreeing with each other and they'd throw a few punches, there would be a few cuts and bruises but they'd end the film friends again. This review makes me really excited for the movie.


God damn, I love your reviews, John. Hell, you could just talk about anything you are interested in because your passion just oozes out through your voice.

Keep it up!
