Structures in the Floer theory of Symplectic Lie Groupoids - James Pascaleff
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Symplectic Dynamics/Geometry Seminar
Topic: Structures in the Floer theory of Symplectic Lie Groupoids
Speaker: James Pascaleff
Affiliation: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Date: October 15, 2018
Topic: Structures in the Floer theory of Symplectic Lie Groupoids
Speaker: James Pascaleff
Affiliation: University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Date: October 15, 2018
Structures in the Floer theory of Symplectic Lie Groupoids - James Pascaleff
Floer Theory on Complex-Symplectic Manifolds - Semon Kirillovich Rezchikov
Floer Theories and Reeb Dynamics for Contact Manifolds - Jo Nelson
Sheel Ganatra: The Floer theory of a cotangent bundle, the string topology of the base and...
Floer Theory and Framed Cobordisms Between Exact Lagrangian Submanifolds - Noah Porcelli
Producing algebraic curves in projective families via Floer theory - Alex Pieloch
Categorical non-properness in wrapped Floer theory - Sheel Ganatra
Floer theory revisited - Mohammed Abouzaid
Floer K-theory and exotic Liouville manifolds - Tim Large
Kenji Fukaya - Relative and/or equivariant Lagrangian Floer theory and Atiyah-Floer conjecture
Lagrangian Floer theory in symplectic fibrations - Douglas Schultz
Lagrangian Floer theory (Lecture – 02) by Sushmita Venugopalan
Floer Homology with DG Coefficients. Applications to Cotangent Bundles - Alexandru Oancea
Floer theory by Mohammed Abouzaid
Tim Large: Floer K-theory and exotic Liouville manifolds (5/1/20 4 pm GMT)
Varolgunes 2022 02 18Reynaud models from relative Floer theory - Umut Varolgunes
Symmetries in Floer Homology - Semon Kirillovich Rezchikov
Holomorphic Floer theory and the Fueter equation - Aleksander Doan
Kenji Fukaya: Inductive limit which appears in Lagrangian Floer theory
The Floer Jungle: 35 years of Floer Theory - Helmut Hofer
Family Floer theory and mirror symmetry - Mohammed Abouzaid
Lagrangian Floer theory by Sushmita Venugopalan
Floer theory and metrics in contact and symplectic topology - Egor Shelukhin
Yan Soibelman - Holomorphic Floer Theory and exponential integrals