just kids…..

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“The worst thing about winning a war is watching the enemy slowly get younger”
A very wise man


"War is young men dying and old men talking."
- Franklin D. Roosevelt


I just helped my 77 year old dad go through his bag from Vietnam. He had kept it tucked away for 55 years and it's been a very emotional process. He was just a kid not long out of high school and being drafted into the Marines to become a man overnight. He has been surviving with severe pain in every form possible his entire life since and he is truly my hero!


The look on that boys face literally ripped out this momma's heart~ it could have easily been my boy, father, brother, uncle~


"Older men declare war. But it is the youth that must fight and die."

- Herbert Hoover


War is when the young are tricked into fighting by the old. Respect to all those who served.


Hits different when you realize all your grandpas war stories took place when he was just a traumatized kid and has spent his entire adult life reckoning with it


Imagine being just 20 years old and piloting a bomber in WW2! The avg. age of a pilot in WW2, especially in The Battle of Britain, was only 20!! Truly young men of a different generation!!


“In peace sons bury their fathers in war fathers bury their sons”


“Too young to vote, but not to die. Too young to love, but too old to cry” -
Unknown American Marine (Vietnam)


War is when 2 man cant settle their beliefs and families of their country has to suffer seen soo many young faces grow old within months. Thank you for your service and sacrifice always loved and remembered


My grandfather, who fought for the Wehrmacht, was drafted at the age of 16 and became a Panzergrenadier. He fought on the Eastern Front for 2 years and ended up fighting in Berlin. He was wounded several times. After that he was held prisoner of war by the Russians for 6 years. I will never forget his stories from that time. They were just kids...


"Worst part of war is seeing the losing enemy become younger."

-a random guy on the internet


I’ll never forget.
A US veteran gave me a poppy pin to give to my father. I told him my father fought on the opposite side during WWII. The veteran told me: “It’s okay, your father is a veteran too”.
I went home and told my dad what that US veteran had told me.
I saw my tough-as-nails dad get emotional for the first and last time. He had that poppy pinned inside his wallet for the rest of his life.


The worst part about all of it is we are currently witnessing all of their sacrifices washed away for nothing..
If you let them take your rights away they died for nothing.
Stand up for what is right and what they believed in so much that they gave everything to protect.


My son was 18 when he went into the Marines. I begged him not to go because I grew up during the Viet Nam War and I didn’t want to be one of those moms who has someone knock on her door telling her that her son was dead. He said he would do whatever it takes, including giving his life, so people could live free. 14 months later they indeed knocked on my door to tell me my son was dead. I am sure if I listened hard enough today I would be able to still hear the screams of deep sorrow that came from my broken heart floating around in the heavens. Now, as I look at the condition of this country he loved so much, I often feel he died for nothing. I hope and pray that the sacrifices made by so many who also gave their lives for us did not die for nothing and our country will come back stronger than ever. Rest in peace my son as well to your Marine brothers who stepped into heaven with you that night. Semper Fi, 🇺🇸Oohrah


“War is where the young and stupid are tricked by the old and bitter into killing each other.” —Niko Bellic, GTA IV.


That look in the eyes of the second guy, coming to terms with the likelihood of death right there hits hard.


My mother (French) remembers German soldiers were parachuted near their home, ended up in the chicken coop stealing their eggs, she was there alone, 8 years old, they didn’t hurt her, she didn’t feel threatened, but was shocked how they were so skinny and pale, lost, sad eyes, swallowing raw eggs with the shell, she said they looked like teenagers.

Her grandmother told her to keep this a secret, they’re just kids…
That’s how I learned empathy, and now it’s ok to share the story.


My man went to Iraq and he doesn't talk about it much but I know it had a deep impact on him that he struggles with daily. Met him shortly before deployment and we had so much fun together. Best dates ever. When he got back he wasnt sure I was still waiting for him. After all he went through the first thing he told me was that he thought he had lost me forever! He didnt know I thought of him daily. So many of these young men get cheated on when they need support the most. Its awful. If you're with someone who has been through this please let them know they're appreciated and whenever they're ready to talk listen with an open mind and heart. They had to do and see some crazy things at such a young age too. PTSD is painful and difficult to live with. Love, understanding, and support is vital.
