NECK EXPLOSION *ASMR Cracks & Full Body Manual Therapy For Pain Relief.

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I admit... if you just happened to stumble on this channel & you don't know much about chiropractic, or if you don't know about ASMR... these videos may appear different

Condenser Microphone Cracks & Crunches
Chiropractic At-Home Stress Reduction & Sleep Videos

Prescription Description Volume 1

Prescription Description Volume 2

Neck Explosion ASMR Cracks & Full Body Manual Therapy For Pain Relief.

Shout out to early day subs and to readers of Prescription Descriptions. And to those who continue answering people's questions in the comment section about the aesthetic

Thank You

For those who are new

Once upon a time before I ever saw a chiropractic video on YouTube, a young man (known around here as Kevin) told me that he watches chiropractic videos to fall asleep

My thought: "Well that makes sense, bc a chiropractic video is probably so boring it would be hard to stay awake

Then I saw a Chiro compilation video & everything changed

In the beginning there was 1 goal: Make chiropractic videos that helped people relax, fall asleep, and perhaps stimulate something called the ASMR

Thousands of people have commented and visited my practice from great distances, and one of the most common things I hear is

"your videos help me sleep"

Over the years I experimented with different formats; Cartoons, short narratives, story telling, spoofs, Quenton Terrantino style vids, reaction videos, in-office with a camera man

But if there is 1 thing that has made these videos different from the other Chiro channels... it's the sacred, ceremonial aspect which blends into an ASMR meditative format. Ideal for relaxing and falling asleep

In 2022 I began to incorporate a more rounded clinical atmosphere. I saw other channels succeeding with standard Chiro visits. But it didn't work . That's why I started channel 2

To understand this channel please note the following axioms

1. Everything you see is real
I have never hired an actor or written a script. I have never faked a crack digitally. Everything I do here, I do in real life. JUST NOT EVERY VISIT EVERY PERSON. Even a REAL LIFE 1 hour session is not enough time to do everything that I know how to do

(I don't film every patient all day. My practice is busy. I focus on patients and their problems, not cameras. ESPECIALLY WHEN PEOPLE FREQUENTLY DRIVE HOURS TO BE SEEN. They deserve 100% for their time)

2. It takes 2 hours to film an ASMR session. which becomes a 40-50 minute video after editing

3. A typical edit takes around 6 hours, plus another hour of uploading, tagging, and other typical YouTube stuff

This channel does well for several reasons

These videos are meticulously edited for harsh sounds, mic flubs, and sound artifacts. Dialogue has been edited to create a casual and informative flow. The volume and talking decrease as the videos progress

These videos do well bc I'm good at what I do. I am so proud to say that I teach chiropractic technique to doctors and therapist all over the world


Axioms Continued:

4. A person who is young and thin... will CONSISTENTLY CRACK THE LOUDEST. All sections of their spine. Almost every single time, bar none

5. Videos with women consistently, but not always, do better than videos with men

In the beginning it was obvious. I only have 1 "free" day a week. This takes 2 hours to film. I needed people who were comfortable getting body work on camera. People who show up on time, dressed to work, ready to be filmed

I reached out to some professional models and asked them if they'd be interested in a pseudo modeling gig. They just needed to show up like it was a shoot for athletic gear. I asked them to wear comfortable workout clothes of their choice. The only rule is no black clothes bc the table is black and they blend on video

I have a stellar reputation in their community. All these girls know and look out for each other, and they trust me enough to tell their friends and family... and their photographers who refer more... models

Now im just the chiro they see

So I film 1 or 2 videos every Sunday. Every week since 2019

The result?

On one side: People get it. They like my work as a chiropractor and or as an ASMR creator, and they understand that clicks = views. They read the descriptions and the subtitles. They learn, relax and enjoy


AND the revenue I generate helped start a non profit that pays for people to get care they can't afford (not the video participants)

Of course, I pay myself

And this is how

Robin Hood

On the other side: People don't get it. They see "beautiful women" and assume it's all inappropriate


Beauty is the amplification device of nature

If you disagree, I'm sorry
Рекомендации по теме

The groin work is essential. Ease the tension and the flow will return to normal.
Currently editing a short where I adjust a crow (literally this morning)
Channel 2 has the full Pulse/Gut and other items that were cut from this vid (soon)

In the meantime... I'd like to take a moment to extend my gratitude to you!

Balancing Deep shadow work with fluctuations of high vibrations
No static
You are a clear vessel glistening in the sunshine with sweat beads rolling toward the ocean
The dream portal is open wide today
Astral playground trajectory with scintillating skin trembles
Thanks for traveling with me

Crack Hack Map

29:16 T Spine
37:06 Side Posture
39:15 Neck Explosions
39:55 Neck Explosion 2
40:35 Toes (Epic Big Toe bilateral)
41:35 Unsuccessful pubic bone
41:55 Gut Cut
45:29 Hyoid Bone
45:55 Bilateral clavicle work
51:12 Intraoral Cranial
53:04 Lung
53:40 Groin
55:40 Successful pubic bone
55:46 Monster Anterior Crunch
56:00 Fingers
56:15 AC joint

There are actually people in the world who think chiropractic had not demonstrated scientific efficacy... Looking forward to rectifying that situation, one at a time if necessary... until I die.

say hi be nice @ (coming soon)


Really missing these long, intense neck exams. Favourite part right there with the crinkle paper, love the sound like she does


By far my fav video!! The scraping and deep tissue is top tier. I could watch I vid of just scraping, back rubs, and deep tissue all day


60 min relaxation ASMR video reedy to evenings sleep! IF i can 😶‍🌫


3:17 Doc- "Are you cheating on me?"


Back chops intensify.
YouTube subtiles: [appaluse]


If you haven’t read the description please do so! He gets chiropractic care AND YouTube algorithm/asmr watchers. Thanks doc 👍


The incidental bowl tap cracked me up lol


I saw another Dr. call your videos “cringe” and even did a review while you were manipulating the small intestine on a client. People have nothing better to do except hate on others and create negative environments and narratives. I also reported it for harassment. Love your videos, positive vibes and keep up the great work doc.


38:30 thats always the best thing...
those slight movements and crackling paper sound. :P


The darkly filter in the middle was a nice change of pace!


You're so right about the world providing when you get a child. I can't explain it but life just makes more sense


09:21 I woulda blown on that look alone


So am I the only one who watched that explanation on the repercussions of constantly looking down and realized I’m screwed. 😂


Absolutely love the description! My kids and I love your videos and all the education you provide. Thanks doc!


thats a good pickup line about the hand connection..thanks doc


Nice to see two people who can have a nice talk😂


Subscribed for that fawking immaculate tie and gawddamn glorious cufflinks!

Oh, the cracks be good too. ✌️


9:16 can't ask a guy that question 💀


That moment of hesitation when she mentioned the pill spoke volumes about the Doc. Somebody's done their research!
