Devin Nunes Has A Cow As Elon Musk Makes Him Look Stupid

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Devin Nunes is a clown. He was a clown while in Congress and a clown since he took over Trump's latest failed venture, Truth Social. But today he was called a liar by Elon Musk, as Nunes claimed it was Trump's idea for Musk to buy Twitter. Musk shot that down, and Trump didn't step up to defend Devin. Such is the sad sack life of Devin Nunes. Cliff provides the breakdown and teakdown.


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oh devin nunes devin nunes is maybe the closest thing we have to a cartoon character uh that was formerly sitting in congress you may remember him um he's uh was a congressman from california um you know really portrayed himself as the all-american he was a farmer and had raised cattle and had it really sort of from the ground up built his his farming empire and then of course it came out that the family moved the farm to iowa and that he had a small investment in napa valley sounds a lot like jd vance and really was not a farmer which is why he didn't care about the farmers of uh his district and many came to loathe him one of them who came to load them actually sued him um and accused him of well falsely advertising you know that he wasn't a farmer anymore um nunez instead of doing what most politicians would do and just trying to get the press to go away of course sued him back because that's who devin nunez is um and it just gets worse from there he sued a fake cow that was harassing him yes seriously on twitter there was devin nunes cow because they're making fun of the whole dairy farm thing and he wasn't really a dairy farmer and he sued that trying to find out who it was uh that person follows me by the way good person um and he and then there was his role in the house intelligence committee where he selectively leaked information when it came to the investigation to russia protected things that trump didn't want out and just behaved all around very strange when he would find out something instead of doing his role of oversight and sharing it with his committee first he would run it over to the white house like an errand boy that's devin nunez there was a very good chance in this very republican district he was actually going to get his butt handed to him so he stepped down in 2020 uh whatever one he didn't run again or 2019 he didn't run again in 2020 to he stepped down to run trump's new social media platform truth social which has been a nightmare people are in long lines they can't get on there um trump is only tweeted there once or twice himself even he finds it boring but the funniest thing about it is is now there's like this three-way argument going on between these three people all of whom are liars and you you can't figure out who to believe you've got devin nunez who sued a cow claimed that trump actually encouraged elon musk to buy twitter which doesn't make a lot of sense because why would you encourage somebody to buy a competitor that's doing much better than you the whole hope of truth social is that all these right-wingers who were censored meaning they couldn't make racist sexist and have not otherwise stupid comments uh would end up a true social in any case that's what net nunez claimed he claimed that trump uh encouraged him elon musk responded with a tweet saying no he didn't this is not true and basically you know looking at devin nunez uh his comment in the same way that somebody might like it then devin nunez claiming he was a farmer full of crap um devin nunes doubled down on it and um and then we have a little sort of uh a little argument going on um in the end you know uh trump has mostly tried to to even stay out of the whole thing um but um what uh elon musk made clear is that he's actually had no communication directly with trump at all so he he says he hasn't talked to trump devin nunes says he it was trump's idea um trump's trying to stay out of it basically throwing devin nunes to the to the wolves or the cows if you will um and you know there's not much to it except for again like these people are clowns damn ninjas once again made a fool of himself elon musk is out there tweeting things uh and acting you know speaking out loud on things that you'd think a billionaire would just keep his mouth shut about and uh and somewhere in a pool of uh kfc greece uh donald trump is not using truth social by just begging pleading hoping he'll get his twitter account back because really that's what he lives for
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The 'Midnight Run' guy. He thought it was privileged info. haha


The closest thing we have to a cartoon character. I'm from Australia and I think he makes the finals. The first time I saw Ben Shapiro I said to my son look how far animation has come, this guy is so close to real. 😘😉


I know who the cow is. Anyone still interested?
