Roodkapje's Hamburger Community: Agency & The Machine -Demystifying AI lecture by Frederik de Bleser

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LECTURE | Demystifying AI For Creative Use – An Interactive Lecture with Frederik de Bleser
Wednesday, April 7th from 19:30 - 20:30
Zoom Lecture

How to tame AI & datasets for your creative process?
As part of the first Hamburger Communities of Art & Live project ‘Agency & Machine’, Roodkapje invites Frederik De Bleser to walk you through the key concepts, bias, and ethical considerations surrounding Artificial Intelligence. Offering practical insight into his working methods and processes, he will help you to open up ways of applying these tools within your own creative practice.

Frederik De Bleser is a PhD researcher and professor at the Sint Lucas School of Arts in Antwerp, Belgium. His research focuses on the link between art and technology, developing free software tools for generative design, data visualisation and creative AI. He co-founded the Experimental Media Research Group (EMRG) in 2004. He coordinates the new master in Digital Media Data starting in 2020-2021.

He has worked commercially creating visualisations for one of the largest Belgian newspapers and an interactive art installation for the Research Foundation Flanders. In his free time he is a coach for Hack Your Future, organizing and teaching web development to refugees. He lives with his wife and two children near Antwerp.

Directly inspired by the work and research of HCA-Artist Gill Baldwin, Agency and Machine asks the question what happens when artists, musicians, designers, and other creatives interact with technology, hard- and software, and Artificial Intelligence. Through all events attached to Agency & Machine, Roodkapje aims to challenge you to think further about what is human and what is machine, and who, in the end, is actually in control.

The Hamburger Community programs of Roodkapje provide two yearlong development trajectories for five young, talented artists (Art), and five aspiring event programmers (Live). Throughout the year both the Hamburger Community of Art and Live collectively work towards five interdisciplinary programmes built around the work and research of the individual Hamburger Community artists.
During their stay at Roodkapje the artists and residents will receive guidance and support from professionals from their respective fields, and through an in-depth trajectory that is aimed at further developing their professional skills and positions.

Roodkapje’s Hamburger Community was made possible with the kind support of Stichting Bevordering van Volkskracht, Stichting Ondernemersbelangen Rotterdam, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds, Fleur Groenendijk Foundation, Pieter Bastiaan Stichting, and the Gemeente Rotterdam.
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