I Made A Film About My Teen Idols!

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As a kid, I dreamed about The Cowsills. I grew up and made a documentary about them.
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As heartbreaking as your movie is - I love it - like you I have been a Cowsills fan since 1967 when I also first heard "The Rain, The Park and Other Things" on the radio - then 7-8 year old me - saw Susan and her dancing/singing and fell into a crush - that still hasn't left me all these years - one of the highlights of the Happy Together Tour every year - is to see Susan, Paul and Bob. Also - if anyone has not bought their "Rhythm of the World" album is really missing out on some stellar music!


What an incredibly sweet story regarding your letter. And playing drums! So glad you got to make the film. It's a treasure.


Love your story. My love for them was the same - I was 10 years old in 1967, and seeing people my and my older siblings’ ages (my oldest brother and Bob are the same age) was a revelation. I played piano and violin, and their harmonies were everything to me.
I want to give you, Louise, and big thank you for making that beautiful documentary. It brought my beloved Cowsill friends back into my life - all older, having been through all the highs and lows, but still grateful. And their talent has only grown through the years. So thank you from that 10 year old who loved them then, and the 67 year old who still does!


The Cowsills deserve more recognition.


I've watched all your videos and the documentary. I've been a fan since 1967!! Their harmonies are legendary.


Love the Cowsills. Thanks to your posts, I have been able to get to know them again. Still trying to get a hold of Global but listen to their music everyday. So interesting to hear all of their different stories, different personalities, and different perspectives. The differences exist and existed but the constant is their love for each other. How cool it was for you to have the opportunity to see them on the very night John married Vicky. Thank you for sharing.


Louise 🥰 i just shared this in A Family Band group, of course giving you all the Credit love you Cathy 🤗 btw im moderator for A Family My Band group


Louise, I want to congratulate you, belatedly, on the great documentary. Not only is it excellent as a musician biography, but I think it is a fascinating and important look at dynamics of dysfunctional families. Do you know if there's any prospect of it being available on DVD or Blu Ray?


I can relate to your story so much, Louise. We are of the same age group and I was so enamored with the Cowsills, especially John. I, too finally got the chance to actually meet him at the same pub in 2000. I got picture with him and he even signed my We Can Fly album. A moment my 12 year old heart will treasure forever.
Ps I enjoyed the film you made very much. ❤


I watched Family Band a few nights ago, it's an excellent documentary. I just discovered The Cowsills recently and am completely blown away by their talent


After much anticipation Louise gives us...The Rest of the Story! As always, thank you Louise!


Aww My sweet friend I love this ♥️ too I just posted it in A Family Band Our own Louise Palanker made the A Family Band Documentary Thank her you are the Best loveyou ♥️


I Love The Cowsills They Are Amazing No One I Know Has Any Idea Its Such A Shame. I Have All There Albums.. Great Documentary I Have Seen It A Few Times.


Wow that was beautiful Louise. Congratulations on making your dreams come true. I have only recently discovered the Cowsills although I do remember "The Rain, the Park...." from my youth. They are amazing. Do you know if your documentary is on Prime in Canada? I have been trying to find a way for see it for many months, without luck. 🤞Thanks for all your posts.


don't tell Karen Carpenter not to lol
