Programming Intro - Introduction to Programming

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What is Programming?

Programming and Coding generally mean the same thing
Programming is simply telling computers to perform actions
Programs can range from a calculator app to a full fledged operating system
Why is Programming Important for IT Professionals?

Modern administration of systems requires either scripting languages, or configurations that are close to a full fledged programming language
Cloud Functions, Azure Functions and Serverless Architecture requires coding skills to be able to use.
What’s the Best Programming Language?

Programming languages are like any other software where specific products are best for specific tasks. You use Swift to code for iOS just like you use Word to write an essay.
Ask yourself what problem you are trying to solve, and what environment you are in
Where to Learn to Code?

Self Study Piece Meal – is good if you know what you need and are willing to copy/paste code to just get something up and running
Self Study Programs – are good as a cheap way to get a decent understanding of coding
Bootcamps – are good for professionals that need to retrain
College – is good if you have no idea what in “computers” you actually want to do
Be Around Other Coders…

The best way to get hired is to be chatting over a beer…
Going to tech events and seeing other people’s code is a good way to improve your own syntax and style
You can find projects to help out on
CEO’s Want to See Drive!!!

Development companies want to see that interviewees are motivated more than specific education and credentials
If you can’t build applications fro someone else build them for your own portfolio
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You know, I learned html first time ever with you couple years ago ans I loved your channel since. You introduced me to this amazing journey. Thank you man 🤓


This has been a huge help for me. I am in the Human Resources world and was trying to cross over into IT but found HRIS instead. While I got a view into how to maintain HR databases i cannot move my career forward without knowing the backend of how to maintain these databases. Thanks for this introduction and I look forward to learning more from your channel as i navigate my career shift. :)


Our old Jason! Simple but nice explanation Eli! Big fan of you man for long time!


That was a great break down. I just randomly wandered on here from a Google search about coding. I want to learn how to code to write simple apps for m.r /v.r games. But I had no idea coding was in itself a job!(kinda ancient) It sounds amazing. Being given a creative task and left to get on with it would be my dream job 😉. Think I'll look into coding a bit more. Who knows what the possibilities might be.


I am just starting my BS in Mechatronics and then I found these videos !! So excited!


I enjoyed every second of watching this video. Thank you Eli for sharing your thoughts with newbies like me. I finished Law school, but 10 years later I realized that I made a huge mistake. Please keep up with posting your classes. COVID quarantine is much better watching your channel. It's obvious that you are passionate with IT and that's all that matters.


yes, i am going to school for networking. the coursework is outdated, 5 years was the most recent, besides my Cisco classes. but it is good for the basics, it did end up making more questions than answers. I got a job, and I am not even allowed to touch the servers 5 months in, im a liability... makes sense, but schools dont tell you this


Thanks for the precious time you spend to such a valuable speech.


wow....he is making videos on computers since 2010. hats off to you


So all that time I was trying to break into tech, but couldn't because I didn't have any professional experience in tech, you're saying that instead of talking about all my non-tech professional experience, I should have been talking about all the piddling crap technical stuff I was doing in my spare time? Farting around with Linux, building an automatic sprinkler controller in Arduino, writing batch files to make useless Ubuntu connect to a VPN instead of entering lines of code in a terminal each time. That should have been on my resume??? Wow. I really don't get it sometimes.


Thank God i found your channel while booting up for this journey.


Very valuable tips and real stories from technology life.


27:00 oooh, that's what you are supposed to do there... Funny thing, I just got booted from my master's course after getting a bachelor's degree without doing anything mentioned around the timestamp while I was there. I guess I should have chosen a less demanding uni and focus more on the job side of things... Anyway thank you for throwing knowledge at people like that.


But how to decide what to do? like networking, information security, programming, data analysis, software testing, penetration testing, etc. So I actually studied computer science but I still can't focus on one thing, can you please talk about that?


Thanks Eli, very well-rounded and realistic, as usual. Thanks for really wanting to help interested people save themselves some heartache.


Great stuff as always, Eli. You are one of the original Tech Avengers of YouTube. I'm feel lucky to have stumbled your videos a few years back.


Career advice needed more than basic tutorials I think, career and lifestyle channels doing well.. I am considering redoing my unfinished data analytics masters this year.. I'm living with my parents at 28 and it's a pain. I'm a musician also, but I left music college to get my tech degree six years ago, got my degree but have mostly been figuring out life and politics since and went from a communist to a Jordan Peterson style classical liberal.. I'd like to do a lot of things, I know a lot of tradespeople involved with music festivals and that interests me, but I keep getting the feeling I should finish the analytics before getting into anything else, perhaps I could use it in the music industry, corporate jobs sound awful, I would start a YouTube channel discussing politics like Sargon but I need life experience and a channel could take years and I know how unpredictable it is as a source of income from watching your and others vids on it.

Anyway long term viewer here been watching about 8 years.
Enjoyed all the Failed Normal videos following your travels and you talking about life and "as a tech professional" videos, have learned a lot from you..
If you want my two cents I'd say get into something tradelike yourself and make a channel more about that, something like Codyslab, I think you should work on a new direction outside of YouTube and then show it off on YouTube as a side thing, you have done search and rescue and electronics and home renovation.. I think they're all a lot more interesting than basic coding and stuff.. your most interesting stuff is your hobbies, experiences and personality and you should build on that and try new things in your life and then bring that back here with new content. Scooby the bodybuilder is changing his channel to a travel channel for example. You're still a young guy I think it's a waste to be making these basic tutorials again and such. I much more enjoyed you talking about your fish!!!

Smarter every day is another huge channel that's doing extremely well. Something like that.

Cheers Eli, Brian from Ireland


I wish to see many more videos from this channel. It brings me to YouTube as a learning resource.


WOW!! From the depths of the internet . . . Eli Returns!!


Man ive been watching you for about 7 years now. Glad to see you're making content again. Any advice on how to start without school ? I wasted, well not wasted but spent 4 years in community college working on general Ed, didn't reach programming courses, then they go on and take off the pre requisites for programming classes . Just a mess without direction. Just wanna start working in IT already ... Instead of being a delivery guy .
