Is Elon Musk Now A Christian? Listen To His Answer

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In a video containing an Elon Musk Interview about his belief in Jesus Christ, the tech enthusiast who doubles as the owner of Tesla and SpaceX shared his beliefs about Jesus Christ, the first time he has openly talked about Jesus Christ in several years.
Elon Musk revealed his admiration for the teachings of Jesus Christ and also revealed he firmly agrees with the teachings of Jesus Christ in the bible.
However, we noticed several inconsistencies in his submission which we will be highlighting in this video. He also declared his stands on Christianity and Religion by saying that he is indeed a firm believer in God, but he rather supports Albert Einstein's theory of God which is popularly known as "the God of Spinoza".

In the final parts of Elon Musk interview, he openly revealed that he has always wished to be saved even though he held his own form of doubts about Jesus Christ.
So I will be talking about Elon Musk interview about Jesus Christ in this video, I will also give a detailed explanation of hidden excerpts like that of "the God of Spinoza" and explain what it really means.
I will also talk about Elon Musk posture and facial expressions which says a lot about his actual intent during the Interview.

Enjoy the video.
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Praise The Good LORD GOD ALMIGHTY YAVH GOD Bless You and Your Family


I believe Musk is on
“The right track” and I pray he finds his way completely to Jesus🙏


Lord our creator of heaven and earth In Jesu name Amen.


Nothing well blow my mind other then meeting my maker


We need to keep believing and pray for Elon Musk to receive Jesus as his Lord and Savior. I believe God is working in his heart. 🙏🏻


Wow . Greetings saints. I havnt told my brothers and sisters but I had a very vivid dream I'm born again praise God . I actually dreamt he gave me a brand new suit . It looked very smart.... can't understand what it meant . Godbless everyone who reads this and if your not already saved . Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand ..


The bible professes this truth, "that you believe there is one God, even the demons believe and tremble.. Jesus Christ is Lord, and to Him shall all flesh come..

Amen 🙏🏽🔥


All the teachings mean he is creator, the son of God and resurrected from the dead and is coming again.


If Jesus is saving "I won't stand in His way." Really? Arrogant or ignorant? He knows how to play both sides of the fence and shame on interviewers for even suggesting Musk is Christian.


He's a smart guy you know. As Materials engineer, I have watched his videos and his wisdom blows my mind. He says things I personally have learnt from ministers of the Gospel and wondered if he's a Christian or perhaps those are generally universal principles. His work ethic is also on another level. I might not agree or rather not have better understanding of some of the things he's up to but I love him, he inspires me to do more and think big for my Master's project, also venture into entrepreneurship. I'll be praying for him 🙏🏼❤️


Yes, Elon Musk learned about Christ and religious teachings when young and is brilliant; however, he denies Christ before men; therefore he "will be denied before the Father which is in heaven." (Matt 10: 32-33) And, "you cannot love God and mammon." Would somebody try to reach him, before it's too late, and he goes to hell?!! (Rev 22:7)


Praise God for His Love to all Human to be Saved Now it’s time for Elon Musk get Jesus Christ as His personal Savior- Matthew16:24- 28


For God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son, that no man would parish that you and I would be saved


He believes the teachings has wisdom but I did not see the love, so important to have a relationship with our Lord. Maybe it will come but I don't see it yet.


Amos 5:26
Authorized (King James) Version
26 But ye have borne the tabernacle of your Moloch and Chiun your images,
the star of your god, which ye made to yourselves.
Read full chapter
Exodus 20:3
Authorized (King James) Version
3 Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Read full chapter
It is so simple a five-year-old understands until they are indoctrinated . 👀👂🏿👂


Jesus Christ はイーロンマスクを処分しました✨
Jesus Christ は私に会いに来てくれました✨


Saw the full version of the question, the host asked "can you do me a solid and accept Jesus as your saviour?" And Elon was like Emmmm...

Who does that? Why put the man on the spot like that and then try guilt trip him into trying to become Christian. He didn't become Christian but did have nice things to say about Jesus's teachings and how he understood the good that comes out of it. Don't forget he is a genius and he didn't commit to anything. He also didn't dismiss himself from the religion of Islam as Jesus is also a Prophet and a Muslim. I don't see anything wrong with asking someone if they'd like to enter the religion or become a follower but to be sneaky and sleezy with the question and try guilt trip him whilst live is pretty sad and pathetic. What happened to free will? Why is he asking him to do him a favour... Like dude come on, and I'd be the same way if it was done in my religion because this ain't the way to approach someone. Read his body language, he's defensive, it's awkward. He's arms are cross guarding himself, if you learn psychology they teach this at basic level. Then I see the happy comments in here like he actually became Christian and no one is mentioned this guy's tactics... cringe fest


But everything he says seems to blow somebody's mind 😂😂


🤭🤭🤭The devil is a liar!
Really human voice!


God has called Elon Musk. I remember telling him he has been called. I launched him by the Power of The Holy Spirit in me. God called Jesus, his son that he anointed. God called Jesus, His Son. Not that Jesus is God. Jesus asked the the 11, why do you call me good when ONLY GOD IS GOOD! JESUS WAS SEEN PRAYING TO GOD in the garden. And..when you call Jesus God, your BLASPHEMING THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD WHO WILL PUNISH YOU.

