How To License SCADASuite Plunger Lift Application In The SCADAPack

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Learn how license SCADASuite Plunger Lift Application in the SCADAPack.

The SCADASuite Plunger Lift Application is an add-on tool (software application) that helps with optimizing production for gas wells.
Written in ANSI C by Gen7 System, the compiled file (with filename extension .OUT) needs to be uploaded to the SCADAPack using Telepace Studio or the SCADASuite. My recommendation is to use Telepace Studio to download the SCADASuite Plunger Lift Application (.OUT) file as Telepace Studio offers and option of using USB cable, while the SCADASuite has either Ethernet or serial which are much slower than the USB option. But if you are providing remote support, you are pretty much stuck with Ethernet option.

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