Raven's Cry Grove 2021 Beltaine Ritual

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Celebrate the old Irish traditional holiday of Beltaine with us!

We honor our King and Queen of May today: Aengus Og the god of youthful love and beauty, and a master Bard of beautiful music and Caer goddess of prophecy, dreams, and liminal spaces. Beltaine is the fertility festival par excellence! This is indeed an extravagant holiday. At Beltaine, our energies are turned toward the Love and Union that brings a Harvest of new life among us.

The rite is a full ADF Druid high-day ritual, just as we would present in the "normal" world.

We suggest you prepare a little so you can best experience our time together.

The ritual includes an opportunity to make praise offerings to personal deities or other spirits and invite them to join our gathering. You may wish to have your own representation of our hallows - fire, well, or tree - at which to make offering.

After we have made all our offerings, we will ask for blessings in return. You may want to have a beverage in a vessel and visualize the blessings flowing into your vessel.

May you find entertainment, joy, and challenge from joining with us!

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