Raven's Cry Grove 2021 Chloaia Spring Ritual

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Raven's Cry Grove, ADF presents our Greek Spring ritual.

We come together to celebrate the return of life on Earth, we celebrate the festival of The Chloaia Χλοαϊα, the verdant green, the returning of the Korē Κορέ to her mother Queen Demeter Δήμητρα.

These many cold and rainy months Demeter has mourned and searched for her daughter. She has searched the ends of the Earth in pursuit of finding her beloved Korē, She has pleaded with mortals and gods alike to aid her in her search. Yet no solace can she find. She is consumed and exhausted from her quest.

Demeter’s cries of sorrow have reached the realm of the Underworld where her daughter Persephone is called Queen. Upon hearing Her mother’s grief, she knows it is time to leave Her dark realm… She feels her mother’s lament in her soul. She knows her time has come once more to attend to Her Mother and to life on Earth. She removes her crown, she drinks of the River of Forgetfulness… and so begins her journey back again to the land of the living.

As She walks green shoots come into sight from deep beneath. Tender blossoms are ready to burst with color. We can feel the Earth warming to our touch. Anxious are the grains to rise up and greet the sun once more as we are anxious for warmth and light after the cold, dark winter.

The rite is a full ADF Druid high-day ritual, just as we would present in the "normal" world.

We suggest you prepare a little so you can best experience our time together.

The ritual includes an opportunity to make praise offerings to personal deities or other spirits and invite them to join our gathering. You may wish to have your own representation of our hallows - fire, well, or tree - at which to make offering.

After we have made all our offerings, we will ask for blessings in return. You may want to have a beverage in a vessel and visualize the blessings flowing into your vessel.

May you find entertainment, joy, and challenge from joining with us!


This was a very lovely ceremony. Very pretty and pleasant music. I can't say I understood everything that was being said, some of the pronunciations seemed difficult at times as well. But everyone did their best and it turned out so well. Happy Spring Equinox and Blessed Ostara :)
