We Found the Rarest Car for £2000

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This week; Jack, Ethan and Edwin are tasked with buying the Rarest car they can for just £2000. Will they be able to find a cheap but rare car or will it end up being a rusty problem that was rare for a reason? We'll then do a 600 mile road trip to see how it fares!

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Will Our Super Cheap Porsche Drive Again?

We Bought The Cheapest Porsche On The Internet

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Xedos BTCC Racing by Martin Lee

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#carthrottle #rare #jdm
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This is what I'm all about. Forgotten cars need to be remembered.


Car throttle was good when Alex was there, but I think that Alex leaving was the best thing that could’ve happened to both channels. Alex being the natural presenter that he is his best suited running his own show where he can be the main man that he wanted to be. Now with these three the dynamic is perfect. Nobody is better than each other in terms of what they can offer and they all bring something to the table, both knowledgeable and comedic. I regularly lol watching these three so thanks for the lols!


Once Mazda certified American here. We got the 2.3 miller cycle engines.

Drove a couple back in the early 2000s and they were quite fun. I'm a technical nerd too so loved the function of the Miler Cycle. I have to point out you got it a little off on the valve opening logic. The exhaust valve remains open while the crankshaft is in the first few degrees BDC to eliminate the inefficient compression action that happens from low leverage during those moments of angle. The supercharger then makes up for that loss plus a little bit more resulting in a net gain of combustibles while losing a little friction. Check out the Isky 5 cycle cams and Miller cycle engines from the 60s if you want to see the origin and some neat applications of the engineering.

Really love Mazda's propensity for the oddball engines. I'm a rotary nerd too. Sad how much Ford has messed with their reliability.


The more I watch, the more I think that Edwin is a freaking perfect fit for CT!
Great job mates!


honestly this and the 406 are two of the best buys CT did. both for 1000 quid as well, absolute steals.


Love this channel now. Way more interesting seeing these rare cars or your restore jobs instead of BMW's all the time.


I'm about to say something heretic but this format (all 3 people have a main role) is significantly better than when Alex was around. I'm enjoying both Car Throttle and Alex's videos thoroughly


Can Edwin be promoted to the Car Throttle CEO? He deserves to be an executive imo.


Honestly... This one is a keeper. These things are rare in any form (yes, including the Millenia) and its super tidy. This is borderline a museum piece.


I loved the Xedos 6 and 9 back in the 90's; i remember trying to convince my Dad to choose a Xedos 6 as his company car but he ended up with a rather pedestrian Rover 600 in non-metallic pillarbox red instead :( There were a few non-premium exec cars in the 90's and the depreciation on them at the time was scary .... they are all super rare (and i reckon quite cool) now. Really feel you need to find a Nissan QX, a Renault Safrane and/ or a Peugeot 605 aswell and do a road trip 😎


These Mazda's were known as the Millenia in the mid-90's to the early 2000's here in the States. Miller cycle engine came in some of them (I don't think all of them though here). Drove one of these in 1997 when the Mazda dealer I bought my FD through gave it to me as a loaner when my car needed a new motor. The Millenias were interesting cars.


WHAT A CAR - was a pleasure to sit on both Jack and Ethan's laps during that 😂


pls do more with the Overdrive boys, also maybe once the 924 is supercharged get Scott to do some hot laps in it?


For me this is exactly what Mazda is all about when it comes to pushing the boat out and trying something different with their engines, take the Skyactiv-X for example today...
Having owned a MX-3 1.8 V6, MX-6 V6, and now an RX8 40th they are all underrated in the public eye. I'll always love Mazda as a quirky and well engineered car manufacturer.
As with all cars, look after it and it will look after you, enjoy lads!


Jack, Ethan and Edwin has great synergy tbh 💜


18:52 i swear will is just edwin and callum is like both jack and ethan
i am just so amused by this collab
19:45 "we've arrived in slough in record time" 🤣


Also Overdrive and Car Throttle collab? YES. PLEASE.


You guys should use the left over cash to make it better, or perhaps a BTCC tribute


Edwin is the hunk we don’t deserve but the hunk we need! Great to see him presenting more & there’s a good thing going with the new trio ❤


glad you keep on posting such great content. i enjoy alex's stuff a lot but this is just as good! i really like the car as well. very clean design, not bad at all!