Government’s New Taiwan Model aims to relax COVID restrictions despite local surge

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In the face of the current surge of local cases, the government has been presented with a dilemma: to tighten COVID restrictions to keep case numbers down or gradually relax them so that people can return to their old way of life and coexist with the virus. Premier Su Tseng-chang recently introduced his New Taiwan Model, indicating that the government is leaning toward the latter to help businesses flourish. Some doctors approve, provided this does not overburden Taiwan''s health system.

The Zhongxiao branch of SOGO Department Store in Taipei shut its doors on Sunday to be disinfected. An employee had reportedly fallen ill and tested positive for COVID. As local case numbers continue to rise, the government is leaning toward the choice of coexistence with the coronavirus, rather than working to tighten restrictions. Premier Su Tseng-chang is trumpeting what he terms a “New Taiwan Model,” a policy for gradually relaxing COVID restrictions to help businesses stay afloat.

Su Tseng-chang
As we gradually shorten the quarantine period, we will definitely encounter an increase in numbers of confirmed cases. However, very, very few of these confirmed cases are severe cases. You can all rest assured that this is the New Taiwan Model.

Hou Yu-ih
New Taipei mayor
The New Taiwan Model? Most people have no idea what that is. The central government should state clearly whether it wants to coexist with the virus or aim for zero cases. The policy has to be crystal clear.

At the inauguration of a house pets management office under the Council of Agriculture, President Tsai Ing-wen was asked about the New Taiwan Model, but she didn’t give a direct response. She did, however, remind the public to unite in their fight against the virus.

Tsai Ing-wen
There have been new local cases in many counties and cities in the past few days. In the face of the epidemic, please be vigilant and do not panic. During the holiday, whether it’s a family trip or a reunion with relatives and friends, be sure to follow epidemic precautions thoroughly and remind each other what to do. Those who have not gotten the third dose of the vaccine, especially the elderly, have to get vaccinated as soon as possible. Let’s continue to unite and protect Taiwan against the pandemic.

But the fact remains. The number of local cases is still climbing. Will this New Taiwan Model be feasible? Doctors think that as long as the health system does not become overburdened, things should be fine.

Lee Ping-ing
CECC specialist advisory panel
The virus types have been gradually increasing, indicating that people from outside Taiwan undergoing quarantine are probably the ones allowing the viruses to enter and that has led to the current situation. So currently, we have a phenomenon that we’re bound to witness as we transition toward a complete lifting of restrictions.

High-risk groups and long-term care institutions need to step up their epidemic prevention protocols, and anti-viral medicine should be well stocked. As to whether continued vaccination should be a criterion for relaxing quarantine measures, doctors think this deserves careful consideration.

Lee Ping-ing
CECC specialist advisory panel
The main purpose of the vaccine is to prevent severe illness and death (although transmission is still possible), so what we should think about is, after the vaccine is administered, when a person is indeed not at risk of contracting the virus, then we can have this kind of policy.

The omicron virus is highly contagious. If restrictions are abruptly loosened, the epidemic may quickly spiral out of control. The government must tread carefully as it adopts this new policy.
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A wise decision. Aiming for 0 cases is unrealistic and will hurt the economy and the mental health of the people. It is wiser to boost immunity with a healthy lifestyle like eating natural food and sleeping well and managing stress.


As an American, it is quite eye opening to see how much serious this is taken in Asia. Wishing you the best 🇺🇲🇹🇼


The real problem is allowing people in from countries where COVID is out of control, like Vietnam.
