What is Enhanced Safe Browsing and How to Enable/Disable it ?

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Enhanced Safe Browsing in Google Chrome is valuable security feature that helps you protect against harmful websites ,downloads
and extensions.

When you enable these features, upon visiting any website URL in Google Chrome, such as text, images, JS, or downloading extensions,
this information is sent to Google. If the content is found to be malicious, Google sends it back to Google Chrome, and Google Chrome blocks that content. However, if the content appears to be non-malicious, you will receive the content as usual.

So, here Google identify and blocks
1. Malicious website
2. Malicious downloads
3. Malicioius extensions.
So we can say it some how protect you from phishing and malware attacks.

If you're worried about your online security, I suggest enabling it in your Chrome browser.

Lets look how to enable Enhanced Safe Browsing in Google Chrome.

To enable Enhanced Safe Browsing in Chrome:

1. Open Chrome and click on the three dots in the top right corner of the window.
2. Select Settings.
3. Select Privacy and Security.
4. Click on Security.
5. In the Safe Browsing section, select Enhanced protection.
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