Why Does Everyone Love MX Linux? - MX-Linux 23

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MX Linux has topped the charts of DistroWatch's popularity rankings for months--neigh, years--now, and it's often a fan-favourite in discussions of Linux distros. But what exactly makes it so adored by the community? Let's have a look!
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MX Linux is a distribution of power and beauty. It is the only distribution that I do not do any customization after installing it. I love it.


MX Linux XFCE is my main daily driver on my desktop, installed on a separate SSD from the one containing an old, Windows 10.
Even though nothing you've covered here is new to me, you've done a very good job of doing so in a concise and eloquent way that the MX developers should be proud of using it to convince the rest of the world of its merits. Yes, MX is worthy of its prime ranking because it balances well the need to be versatile and comprehensive with the need to offer a good out-of-the-box experience and the need to still remain free of bloat-ware or clunkiness other OS's suffer from.


New to Linux a little more than 2 years ago I tried out MX 17 and liked it .... but after bouncing around for a year I ended up using Linux Mint.... MX linux 23.2 came along and I'm finally home. I run a server and 10 other pc's on my home network... some Windows and some Linux... setting up file sharing was easy breezy with MX.... everything about it just works! Lovin it!!!


Very nice, well paced walk through of a distro that hadn't previously hit my radar. Thanks! Will likely install and explore MX on one of my systems. Seems like a good crossover solution to the SysV and SystemD issues.


After fighting for years with many distros with a low resources pc im now using MxLinux by 2 years in a live and persistant usb and has be the most ammazin experience


I run Mint on my primary tower, Zorin on my cheap travel laptop, and MX on my backup emergency there if everything else fails laptop. I'd be perfectly content to run MX as my primary. At first glance, it might be too quirky for a first-time Windows convert and that's the only reason I usually recommend Mint for Linux newbies. But for anyone with even a bit of Linux time, MX is just amazing.


I'm almost all day in the terminal for work, but still prefer a gui for stuff like configuring the ui, because for things you do maybe once every few months it's just much easier to memorize and see all necessary options.


I bought a Beelink SER5 Mini PC, AMD Ryzen 5 5560U to experiment with Linux on. I first chose Mint but the audio didn't work except with a USB soundcard. Sound did work on the Win 11 side. Anyway I then tried to load MX Linux as a dual boot but the Grub just wouldn't take, I tried several ways. I had upgraded the SSD and had the Win 11 part on the removed drive so I decided to install a complete MX Linux onto the 2 TB drive. It went quickly and smoothly and the sound worked as it is supposed to. I'm spending the day and possibly the night installing music and videos onto it and look forward to using it as a second computer and OS. I now have a tiny, quiet computer with 4 TB of memory.


Excellent video, keep it up, thanks a bunch!


MX Linux is my daily driver since MX 19 version


Many years ago, I moved from Windows7, to MX-Linux 14. Been using MX-Linux 18.2 for a few years... a few days ago, I started on MX-Linux 23.1. It is GREAT!!! Rock solid, stable, efficient, fast while running on a USB drive... Best part & a total surprise - on startup, it gives option to check integrity of the Live operating system - check md5 of the files!!! What a wonderful function... seems that those nagging small signs of being hacked are history. 5 Stars to MX-Linux Team!


I've been using MX Linux 23.1 (then upgraded to 23.2) since about 2 months ago, and I'm very happy with the experience!


Because it just works. I use it for years now and it runs on every PC in my home + firm network.
Stable, Flatpak support per default, MX-tools, ...


I enjoyed the review. I use MX Linux on my laptop and it is a very reliable distro.


Ive been hopping to different Linux distros from Minx to Opensuse to Arch to Debian 12 but they didnt satisfies my needs that much until i found mx linux and i love it!


I tried Xfce but MX Linux with KDE Plasma is more my jam!


I love my Mx Linux on my 2012 mac pro.... its given it a second life.


I installed in my old PC and it working fine!


SIMPLE-- it's GREAT--- super tools included-- FAST, smooth- LIGHT WEIGHT- and VERY highly customizable-- and can make it's own ISOs of the setting you put in it- you so you can reload YOUR partucilar set up on another computer anywhere you like.. and so very much more... 23 is out- and it's GREAT...


Great video. I've used desktop GNU/Linux for about 10 years before moving to Windows, MacOS and Debian on my home server. Last I heard of MX Linux was 3 years ago, and it was in a rougher state when I tried it. But recently I heard someone say that MX Linux doesn't primarily use SystemD and this piqued my interest, leading me to this video explaining and reviewing it. I'm confident that if I went back to using desktop GNU/Linux, I would probably use MX Linux. Thanks for the review, great stuff. Liked and subbed.

PS: What are your thoughts on Arch and Arch-based distros?
