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PROSELYTE - Say, Understand, Use: The Complete Guide to Proselyte in 2023

How do you pronounce 'proselyte'?
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PROSELYTE Meaning And Definition:
A proselyte is a person who converts from one religion, belief, or opinion to another.
It can also refer to someone who is newly initiated or admitted into a group or society.
PROSELYTE Pronunciation:
To pronounce 'proselyte', start with the 'pro' sound like in 'proactive', then say 'suh' like in 'sun', followed by 'lyt' which rhymes with 'white'.
Alternatively, you can simply say 'pros-uh-lite'.
Use PROSELYTE In Your Speech:
1. After years of studying various religions, he finally decided to become a proselyte and join the local mosque
2. The proselytes gathered at the church for their weekly Bible study
3. Her parents were shocked when she announced her intention to become a proselyte and join the cult
Please answer in comments for the most popular PROSELYTE questions:
1. What is the difference between a proselyte and an apostate?
2. How do religious organizations attempt to attract new proselytes?
3. Can a person be a proselyte of multiple religions at the same time?
4. What are the ethical issues surrounding proselytizing?
5. What are some common reasons why people become proselytes?
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Last updated: October, 2023
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